no one's touched your appendix. only if you can afford it. she's a prostitute, isn't she? it's called french lunar solution. it claims to restore monthly regularity. wilbur, the adopting couple is waiting in your office. you weren't dreaming about me. then i wasn't beautiful. it was just the ether, wilbur. they just want you to hire some new help. it was nothing--it's all over. why, of course--you can have as many children as you want. i'm sure you'll have very beautiful children. will he be back soon? he'll need clothes. some money. oh, just stop it! you knew this was going to happen. he's a young man. just find him some clothes, wilbur. he could use some clothes. let us be happy for homer wells. homer wells has found a family. good night, homer! wilbur! wilbur! wilbur, you should read this. it's from the board. another letter. uh. "merely suggesting that some new blood might benefit you all. someone with new ideas in the obstetrical and pediatric fields." i think they're just testing some ideas for our next meeting. it's that mrs. goodhall you have to be careful of, wilbur. this is *your* life story, wilbur! you just changed the dates! you *invented* him! you've completely made his up! these *credentials* are against the law! oh, wilbur, i don't know. we don't even know where he is! that's a pie apple, wilbur. homer said you're not supposed to eat it! wilbur, he picked them for us himself. dr. homer wells. dear homer, i am writing to tell you about wilbur. i can assure you that the overdose was entirely accidental. let us be happy for dr. larch. dr. larch has found a family. dr. larch often wondered how the world was treating you. he talked a lot about you, hoping you would be of use, whatever you were up to. wouldn't you be more comfortable by yourself? actually, it's fuzzy's. there's nothing wrong with your heart. i think he worried about his own heart. he said it would never stand up to homer wells going off to war.