you don't have to see it, dear. don't worry. your *baby's* going to be okay, too. "oh lord, support us all the day long" ". until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done." "then in thy mercy grant us save lodging, and holy rest, and peace at the last." stop it! no fighting! *share* the snowballs! listen to you, fuzzy! you've been running. you get to the shower! please, mary agnes! this is hazel's special day--don't make her feel sad. mary agnes, that's not true! you *wanted* to come back--that's why you cried. you can cry if you feel like it, hazel. you cry as much as you want. let us be happy for hazel. hazel has found a family. good night, hazel. we have a delivery. imminent, in my estimation. no one's going to hurt you, dear. have you come to visit us? we have beds, you know. have you had any breakfast? what's your name? her temperature is a hundred and four. that's a heavy sedation. excuse me, homer. dr. larch said this one is your turn. oh, dear--i'm sorry. i meant the circumcision. that boy you delivered on tuesday. i'll get started. steerforth got into the pantry--he's eaten all the pie dough. he's down the hall, throwing up. going where? does he have a plan of some kind? he's leaving. you'll need some money--just a little something, until you find a job. dr. holtz seems nice. i think he only wants to help. so what are you going to do? homer was born *here*, in, what was it, 1922? you mean they'll replace you with someone who won't perform abortions. but what about school records? homer doesn't have any *diplomas*. he probably doesn't make much money picking apples--he must have had to pay to send them, too. wilbur, it's a *gift*! how can you be angry with homer for sending us a *gift*? *very*! i just wanted to ask you. does he *know* he's supposed to be in india? does he even *want* to come back? "oh, lord, support us all the day long" ". until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done." "then, in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last." homer, do you know what this is? dr. larch wanted to keep you out of the war, homer--that's why he did it. that's why he told you it was yours.