don't be frightened. everyone is nice here. i just belong here. dr. larch! dr. larch! we've got two new patients, one to deliver. yes, for both. all i said was, i don't want to perform abortions. i have no argument with *you* performing them. one: it's illegal. two: i didn't ask how to do it--you just showed me. that was good, carla--that was *perfect*. everything's fine. we won't tell you, carla. you're going to be okay. there was no visible wound? it looks like scurvy. did you look in her purse? it's obviously an aborticide. i don't know it. in other words, scurvy. it's because he's too tired to sleep. he has to. he's a doctor, buster--doctors smell like ether. i'm *not* a doctor. i haven't been to medical school--i haven't even been to high school! i'm *not* a doctor! i haven't read that. but isn't fuzzy just. well, underdeveloped? what is it, mary agnes? did you bite it? it looks like you bit it--it'll be all right. no, you did it yourself. maybe in your sleep. story time, fuzzy! nobody's named this one yet. he doesn't like it. he's a boy, that's why. i don't think so. henceforth you shall be. little wilbur. okay, he's just a wilbur then. hi, curly. you going somewhere? they wanted a girl. you're one of the best, curly--we couldn't let just anyone take you. that's true. nobody special enough, curly. only the right people can have you, curly. are you okay? can i get you anything? okay. i know who you mean. i think about leaving here, but not to find *them*. whoever they were, they didn't *do* any of the things parents are supposed to do. dr. larch did those things, and nurse edna, and nurse angela. what for, buster? what would you do if you met them? you cook very well! better than i can! i know. i doubt it. she's just an. emotional girl. i don't know. she got left here, like the rest of us, didn't she? it's *your* splice! you blame me for everything! she's a patient, right? she should see a doctor. i just mean i'd rather fix the movie. tonight. uh, sure--that's what kong thinks, all right. i thought it was my turn. "whether i shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." "i was a posthumous child. my father's eyes had closed upon the light of this world six months, when mine opened on it." "there is something strange to me, even now, in the reflection that he never saw me" she's at least *five*. stuck *what* inside you? how about expecting people to be responsible enough to control themselves to begin with? i didn't mean her. i'm talking about. adults. you know who i mean! what?! i'm happy i amuse you. try to look at it *this* way. buster and i are sitting right here beside you. we could have ended up in the incinerator! happy to be alive. i guess so. i'm sorry. they're not used to seeing a car like this. so, mrs. how many months are you? no. dr. larch will be performing the procedure. sure. fine. have you prepped him? what kind of plane are you flying? liberator. they wouldn't take me. i'm class iv-- i've got a heart defect. no, it's not serious. i'm just not supposed to get excited. you know-- no strain, no stress. i try to keep calm all the time. uh. it's the end of october. don't get too excited, fuzzy. has anyone offered you anything to eat? i wonder if you might give me a ride. where are you going? cape kenneth. that sounds fine. i wasn't intending to leave here in order to be entirely useless--i expect i'll find some ways to be of use. of course. you know i'm grateful for everything you've done for me. i don't need this--i know all about my condition. i have to go, curly. i'm sorry. i couldn't find buster. will you tell him. i think i'd probably like the apple business. no, i'm not. i need a job. is your family in the apple business, too? i've never seen a lobster. i've never seen the ocean, either. i know. where's mandalay? oh. i understand. this is all normal. don't worry. the abortion procedure. it affects you. it's the ether, too. it'll take a little time. it's all very normal. it should taper off tomorrow, but it can come back again. you have cramps? they'll ease up, almost entirely. as long as the bleeding isn't heavy, it's normal. "burma run" because you fly over burma. at what altitude? what lousy luck--i mean your orders. to draw an assignment like that! it's the flying, right? you love to fly, don't you? oh, i would love that, wally. sure. i'll see you around. how do you do. migrants? rose rose? so. what should i do now? it's the name of a cat. originally. well, not *originally*. it's just my heart. there's a little something wrong with it. just this part here--the right ventricle. it's slightly enlarged. yes, so what. it's nothing serious, really. just a small defect. right. do you like to read? "i looked at the stars, and considered how awful it would be for a man to turn his face to them as he froze to death, and see no help or pity in all the glittering multitude." more? it's a list of rules, it seems. "one. please don't smoke in bed." okay. what about the trees? yeah, it was great. yeah, sure. there's no stress or strain around here. uh. actually, picking apples is as much excitement as i want for a while. i'm grateful for the job. well, sure. that's good, then. all i mean is, i'm lucky i met you. i guess so. are we supposed to be up here? the rules said. i'm *never* bored! it's all very. different for me. here. uh. have you been *feeling* okay? okay. i better go. they eat everything? oh! that's. nice. a movie *outside*? people watched the movies in their cars? yes! i've only seen one, though. "king kong". it's really good. i *did* like it. all i said was, "it's not 'king kong'." first she loved him, then she didn't, then no one else could have him. and what did she die of, exactly? oh, sure! what's the *medical* explanation? at least king kong knew what he *wanted*. no trouble. she's the nicest *and* the most beautiful girl i've ever known. i'm not in trouble. what about the worms? most of these apples are the drops--off the ground, right? there have to be worms. give men that. i know how to do it. almost. you think? maybe i was. i love this place! the screen is enormous! imagine king kong up *there*! have you seen a lot of movies here? you don't care about the movie? it was my favorite night at the orphanage--movie night. we'd race into the dining hall. of course everyone wanted to sit in front, so we'd be packed in so tight you could feel the kid next to you breathing. i didn't say that. growing up in an orphanage, you're always lonely. you're just never alone. you're not alone in the bathroom, or. or in the shower. you're never alone in wanting the last piece of meatloaaf, or even in your own bed on a cold morning. i miss things. i miss. people. i miss reading to the boys. i never *asked* for any responsibility. did you come here with wally--to *not* watch movies? ah-ha. so what is that--a radio? how could you not *care* about the movie? that's what *i'd* come here for. i'd watch the movie. aren't you worried that people will cut their feet? right. this is easy--i'm not hurrying. just tell me. do you want me to go? do you want me to stay? *what* will be okay? i'll just move on, get another job somewhere. mrs. worthington, i feel i'm very lucky to be here. i think wally will be fine, mrs. worthington--he seems indestructible to me. uh. sure. right. i'm just waiting and seeing. like you said. dear dr. larch, thank you for your doctor's bag. although it seems that i will not have the occasion to use it. barring some emergency, of course. i am not a doctor. with all due respect to your profession. i am enjoying my life here. i've looked at so many women. i mean, i've seen *everything* about them, *everything*. but i never felt a thing. i felt nothing. now. with you. it *hurts*. to look at you. i am enjoying being a lobsterman and an orchardman--in fact, i have never enjoyed myself so much. the truth is, i want to stay here. i believe i am being of *some* use. dear dr. larch, what i am learning here may not be as important as what i learned from you, but everything is new to me. yesterday i learned how to poison mice. you use poison oats and poison corn. field mice girdle an apple tree. pine mice kill the roots. i *know* what you have to do--you have to play god. well. killing mice is as close as i want to come to playing god. i am not a doctor. i can't replace you! i'm sorry. bridges, oil refineries, fuel depots. where's jack? so we should "wait and see." for how long? fine. that's all there is to it then. okay, okay--i know you do, too. you okay, rose? i don't like watching anyone be sick. how many months are you? you're not yet three months, are you? i know more than i want to know about it. who's the father? but you don't look very happy. rose, please listen. whatever you want to do, i can help you. what i mean is, if you don't want to. keep the baby, i know a place where you can go. rose, listen--don't *do* anything. you know, i mean to yourself. please listen. i told her! she doesn't feel she can do that. something about her father not letting her go anywhere. well, we can't force her. it's her decision. mr. rose *knows*? wait. *wait*! are you sure? is it true? are you sleeping with your own daughter? you're actually having sex with your own little girl? is that possible? you're lying. how can you. with your own daughter! go on, cut my clothes. i've got other clothes. but she's your *daughter*. she's *pregnant*. do you know *that*? how long's this been going on, muddy? there are no autonomic effects, are there? there are no autonomic effects, just the paralysis of the lower extremities. wally can have kids, a normal sex life. good night, ray. just tell me. i'll do whatever you want to do. isn't that like waiting and seeing? i know. is *that* nothing. it's a tempting idea, i know. to do nothing. *go* anywhere? of course not! that would be *doing* something, wouldn't it? we wouldn't want to *do* something. let's just sit here all night! i'm not trying to be anything--i'm just doing nothing! if i wait and see long enough, then--with any luck-- i won't *ever* have to make up my mind! decisions can be painful, after all. you got up! you *did* something! if you keep this up, you might be in danger of making a *decision*! i know, i'm sorry. he's *alive*. he still loves you. so do i. nothing. you're not the one who has to do anything. hey, hey! stop it. maybe i can help. please listen to me! *both* of you. mr. rose, i'm in the *doctor* business. if you want, i can help you. you don't have to go anywhere. one cervical stabilizer, two sets of dilators--douglas points. one medium- sized curette, one small; one medium speculum, one large; two vulsellum forceps. merthiolate, ether, vulval pads, gauze--lots of gauze. no *almost* about it--i'm a doctor. get out of here, please. okay. then you can be of use. you better get some air. "one: please don't smoke in bed." "two: please don't go up to the roof to eat your lunch." "three: please--even if you are very hot--do not go up to the roof to sleep." this is the last one. "four: there should be no going up on the roof at night." that's it. right. no, that's not it--i just want to be sure i understand you. i *helped* you not to think about wally. you were so upset--you couldn't stand worrying about him, about his being killed and not coming back-- but when you were with me, you could stop worrying. well, for a while, anyway. this is how i helped you, right? ". did." well, okay. and now that wally's coming back, and because he'll certainly *need* you. at least there's no more waiting and seeing. at least i got to see the ocean. where'd she get you? there's more than one laceration, more than one cut. right? she knows how to take care of herself. sure. thanks. i'm sorry for what i said about wally needing you. it was. unnecessary. no. you warned me. i didn't listen, but you warned me. you told me you weren't any good at being alone. you told wally, too. right? he's going to be fine, wally's going to be fine. i know he is. thanks, guys. i'd like to go with you. but i've got to move on. you know what? i did. it's from the ocean. it's for you. sure. it's my heart. fuzzy's?! "thus i began my new life, in a new name, and with everything new about me. i felt. like one in a dream. the remembrance of that life is fraught with so much. want of hope. whether it lasted for a year, or more, or less, i do not know. i only know that it was, and ceased to be; and. there i leave it." that's tomorrow, curly. let's mot give the story away. good night, you princes of maine! you kings of new england!