when the plane was hit, the crew chief and the radioman jumped close together. the copilot jumped third. all on captain worthington's orders-- the captain was still flying the plane. none of the men of the ground could see the sky--that's how thick the jungle was. they never saw the plane crash--they never *heard* it crash. they never saw captain worthington's parachute, either. because the crew thought he'd gone down with the plane. they were hospitalized for almost a week in china before they were flown back to india. it wasn't until that they sorted through their gear. three men jumped from the plane, but they had four compasses with them. one of the crew jumped with captain worthington's compass. he followed the irrawaddy river, all the way to rangoon. somehow he managed to avoid the japs, but not the mosquitoes. it's encephalitis b. he's recovering at mount lavinia hospital, ceylon. uh. captain worthington is paralyzed. waist down. he won't walk. i'm sorry. no autonomic effects. that's correct. four weeks or so, right around halloween.