that daughter of mine sure is miss hospitality, ain't she, wally? you got lots of experience pickin', i suppose. this is history. ain't that what you're sayin', wally? i guess we makin' *history*. havin' this young man stay with us! out back, there's a shed. it's just a mess. if that shed was better organized, i could put my truck in there. if you're as smart as wally says, you know you sometimes gotta do one job before you do another. you did a good job with that shed, homer. now, now--we all got names, sensible or not. peaches is from georgia, where we met him pickin' peaches. he's still better with peaches than hs is with apples. jack here is new. and this here is hero, 'cause he was a hero of some kind or other once. ain't that right, hero? and this here sensitive-lookin' fella is muddy. the less said about muddy, the better. ain't that right, muddy? it's big enough to keep you out of the war, i suppose. ain't that right? they told me i was too old to serve. stop it, homer. they aren't our rules. we didn't write them. i don't see no reason to read them. that's vernon. you best stay away from him until he gets to know you better--then you best stay away from him *more*! out lieutenant's calling you, homer. mind your ass. you pickin' more cider apples then anythin' else. them drops is good only for cider. and you pickin' the stems with the apples only half the time. they good only for cider, too-- if you don't pick them stems. the rule is, you wanna pick the apple *with* the stem, homer. and see here. see that *bud* that's just above the stem? that's the bud for *next year's* apple--that's called the *spur*. you pick the spur, you pickin' two years in one--you pickin' next year's apple 'fore it have a chance to grow. you leave that on the branch, you hear? that's better. i can tell you got yourself some education. them's good hands you got, homer. them hands you got, they know what they're doin'-- ain't that right? now, now. he's a good boy. jack, you gotta watch your language 'round my daughter. here he is. where's your manners? make room for homer, so's he can enjoy the view. homer, you the only one who's read them rules, so you the only one who feels like he's doin' somethin' wrong. well, muddy, we can look at all these angry stars homer's been readin' to us about. you think so, jack? well. i wouldn't want to be in that wally's shoes tonight. you lucky you in your work boots tonight, girl. you know where that wally is tonight, darlin'? he's up there in them angry stars. he's flyin' all around up there. with them japs shooting at him. they all on board, mrs. worthin'ton. oh, he's a smart young man, most of the time--wally was right about him. no, no--not this year. well. maybe we got *one*, but it ain't homer. now, now, candy--this girl don't need no more clothes, not for pickin'. don't let us make you nervous or nothin'--we know you gotta job to do. that's right--that sounds like trouble to me. cider don't have no taste till later in october--it's too watery now, when we're usin' just them early macs and them gravensteins. you don't get no *good* cider till you're pickin' them golden delicious and them winter bananas, them baldwins and them russerts. of *course* there's worms, homer! and what is them worms, really? they just *protein*, them worms! they is *good* for you! that just ain't right, jack--your cigarette's gonna end up in nine or ten gallons of this batch of cider! that ain't right. it's not that hard to find it in there, jack--it'll take you just a minute. you just gotta go fishin'. what business is you in, jack? just tell me what your business is. i'm in the *knife* business, jack. you don't wanna go in the knife business with me. i don't need no "almost" a doctor, homer. now, now, darlin'. jack just needs to know what business he's in. you oughta know you don't go to jail for cuttin' a guy's *clothes*. ain't that right, homer? mind your own business, peaches. slow down, homer--don't be in such a big hurry. you still doin' it too fast! you take care now, mrs. worthin'ton. you all take care of yourself, too, homer! now, now, jack--that just ain't right. don't this place look like home? what have you two been doin' to make it look so nice? that jack just never knew what his business was. you pickin' nothin' but cider apples, peaches--i hope you understand that. then you pickin' 'em too fast--they ain't no better than drops to me. see that bruise, and that one? *half* of these is bruised! look at this one! it ain't got no stem! you might as well *step* on 'em, too--they only good for cider. homer! is this a workin' day or what? i'll be up top. i didn't see where you was pickin' this mornin', homer, but you musta worked up a big appetite. you look like you're serious about gettin' to your lunch today! i think you been stayin' up too late at night, homer. ain't nobody havin' *sex* with my little girl, homer--that's somethin' a father knows. homer, don't you know what business you in? you don't wanna go into no business with me, homer--ain't that right? you a fine one to be talkin' about lies. shame! these people took you in. that boy wally's at *war*! and i *love* her! there ain't nobody else gonna treat her as good as i do! i wouldn't do nothin' to hurt her, homer--you must know that. where do you think you're going? you ain't goin' nowhere in the middle of the night, girl! you just go inside, homer. we don't need no help. you forget yourself, homer. this here's my daughter! you got your own mess to deal with--ain't that right? what business is you in, homer? what's that? what's it called? there ain't no *almost* about this stuff, homer--ain't that right? when it comes to this, you is the real thing--is that what you sayin'? i'm stayin', homer. tell that vernon to mind his own business, muddy. tell him what you want, muddy--*you* is the crew boss today. who *live* here in this cider house, peaches? who grind them apples, who press that cider, who clean up the mess, and who just plain *live* here. just breathin' in the vinegar? somebody who *don't* live here made them rules. them rules ain't for *us*. *we* the ones who make up them rules. we makin' our *own* rules, every day. ain't that right, homer? ain't nobody gonna find her, homer-- she's long gone. i swear, i didn't try and stop her-- i just wanna touch her hand before she go. that's all i wanna do, i swear. where'd she get that knife, muddy? that looked like *your* knife--what i seen of it. if that was your knife, muddy, i wanna thank you for givin' it to her-- no girl should be goin' *hitch-hikin'* if she don't got a good knife with her. she just plan misunderstand me--i was tryin' to give her my knife, i was just reachin' to touch her hand. but i understand if she misunderstand me--it's all my fault, ain't that right? it's too late for the doctor now, homer--ain't that right? she's *good* with that knife! she's real fast. she's a lot better with that knife than *you* is, muddy! and who do you suppose taught her? that's right! a girl's gotta know how to defend herself, don't she? that's 'cause i sticked my *own* knife in the wound--after she go, i sticked my *own* knife in there. i poked it all around, i just tryin' to find the same place she got me. you listen to me: you tell them police how this happen, you tell it *this* way, you hear? my daughter, she runned off--and i so sad about it that i stabbed myself. i so unhappy that she gone, i killed myself--that what you say, you hear? that the true story--ain't that right? let me hear you say that! i so unhappy she runned away that i killed myself-- that what happen here, ain't that right? that's right. i know you understand how i feel, homer--you is breakin' them rules, too. ain't that right?