you're usin' my soap, ain't you? there ain't never enough hot water, soap or no soap. and you was "generally unfit," as i recall. they're for us, i suppose. what view? *what* view? yeah, we can wait all night for the water to come back on--you just go on and take your time. he's makin' history, i suppose. she's about the most beautiful girl i ever seen--i don't know if she's the nicest. just say you're in the *apple* business, man. that's the only business you wanna be in. just say it. you're lucky he didn't cut your *nipples* off, man. yeah, that cigarette ain't hard to find when you're properly undressed. we all set, i think. don't freeze to death, homer. it's that candy, too. he just wasn't up for the trip. she ain't hungry every mornin' 'cause she's sick every mornin'. don't mess in this, homer, if you know what's good for you. long enough. you ain't gonna stop it. there's my knife, homer. it ain't gonna do *me* no good. you give that knife to rose rose, you hear? you best just watch you ass, homer! you don't wanna end up like jack! it's that vernon--he keeps askin' where you and homer and rose rose is at. i told him that you all is sick. why don't you put them damn rules in the wood stove, peaches? we heard that one already, homer. they think we're dumb niggers so we need dumb rules--that's what they think. rose rose has runned away! she took off on the bicycle, man. *you* taught her, i suppose. that what happen--you lost you only daughter so's you killed yourself! that's what we say, all right. you ever see a palm tree, homer? yeah, well. you could move on with *us*, man! you could move on somewhere *warm*!