wally? i expected you earlier. how do you do, homer wells. were you a friend of the bride or the groom? well, perhaps you'll come to dinner, homer. thank you, arthur. and how is our homer working out? no rotten apples? rose. dear girl, i'm sure i can find you some other clothes. you must have some things that would fit her. arthur, there's no such thing as a young woman who's got all the clothes she needs. some mail for you, homer. and some clothes for you, dear-- let's go see if they fit. i used to hate it when wally went back to college--even when it was just college! and this was when his father was still alive. i hated it even then. naturally i hate this more. what i mean is. i would like it very much if you thought you could be happy here, homer. there's not a lot of work in the winter, and you'll have to tolerate vernon--even wally despises him, and wally likes everyone. i don't know. just promise me one thing. just promise me that, if there's a blizzard, you'll move into wally's room until it's over. good-bye. have a safe trip home. thank you, again, for all your hard work. good-bye, arthur. homer, i'll see you tomorrow? why was he missing for twenty days? then it's malaria? when will he be home, major?