that sink's backed up again, wally. i thought you was gonna get me a plumber. pretty, ain't it? you a plumber? he's stayin' *here*? what's that? what you got a picture of your heart for? so what? i can't read. nobody taught me. what does it say there? *whose* rules? it's too late for that one! where's that homer? daddy, i'd like to be in that wally's shoes *every* night. what's lucky about that? he ain't gettin' dressed to have supper with *us*, peaches! what is you *doin'* with that candy, homer? you ain't gettin' in no trouble, i hope. that sounds like you is in trouble already, homer. yeah, you is. i know when people is in trouble, and you is. oh, i suppose you is a doctor, homer? we should drown that damn jack in the vat! yeah, you really showed him, daddy-- you just about cut your own hand off, and all you cut off *him* was his clothes! he's in a big hurry, all right. i told you he's in trouble. you just stay out of trouble, homer! how is that wally doing? i guess you must like watchin' me be sick. not yet. what do you know about it? don't trouble yourself about it, homer--this ain't your business. *happy*! what are you thinkin'? how am i supposed to take care of a baby! i can't have a baby. you think daddy's gonna let me go anywhere? i ain't going *nowhere*. why don't you just go back to your pickin', homer? i can take care of it myself! hi. i don't need no more clothes, thank you. you ain't been through what i been through, candy. i can't go nowhere. no. it ain't muddy. muddy's just. it sure ain't jack. you gotta let me go, daddy. please. i ain't your business no more, daddy. please let me go. that's right, homer. this ain't your business. i want to hear what they are, first. homer, let me hear what they are. that's *it*? it means nothin' at all! and all this time i been *wonderin'* about it!