call the two thou. jack high. can you beat that? how the bloody hell did you figure out i didn't have the king or the ace? four stacks? right, schooter? thank you for the entertainment, gentlemen. my particular gratitude to you, lancey. it's been a rare pleasure to watch a great artist at work. thank you for the privilege. good day, gentlemen. you're welcome to use the premises as long as you like. i want to see you. shooter -- very generous of you to come on such short notice. rosanna you know, and i think you've met my daughter june. no point introducing you to william the fourth. he has a bad memory for names. little something i'd like to sound you out on. but the least i can do is offer you a drink. wonderful. why don't you do a batch of your bloody marys? if that's okay with you, shooter? i've been quite busy on the telephone since i last saw you. there's a lot of interest all over the country in this game with lancey and the kid. jack doyle in new york is giving twelve to five on lancey. same odds in reno. i've taken fifty thousand of it so far. i'll probably go for more but i didn't want to rock the odds. two reasons. first, i want to see that smug old bastard gutted worse than he gutted me. second, as long as that's going to happen, i don't see why i shouldn't make some money out of it. "could" isn't good enough for a man who hates to lose money as much as i do. he's going to need help -- from the best man with a pack of cards between omaha and new orleans. sure, i know it. that's why you're the man they choose to give them a square deal. that's what makes it so perfect. nobody'll be looking for it. the great thing is they'll be so close, the kid won't need much. three or four key hands. if i did, i'd have to collect that twelve grand you owe me. not myself. my collection agents. you knew poor wildwood jones, didn't you? no, i don't. it's quite the other way around. you have some delusion you're a free agent, but you're not. i own you. shut up. i'll cross the twelve off the books and give you ten thousand dollars in cash. and you can tell the kid if he needs more of a stake, i'll put it up. marvelous. here's rosanna with what you need. -- for that dry feeling on the roof of your mouth. tell the kid i have a suite on the fifth floor. he can drop up during the breaks. bedroom all for him any time he wants a nap. i'm a thoughtful man. i hope you are. what's he have to have in the hole? any action? still feeling each other out? lancey could be laying for him with three jacks. what's with lancey? i thought he'd raise with three jacks or drop with two pair. it always distresses me, a man reaching his middle years and still having no assurance of next week's income. i thought it would be better if you and i sat down together to see if we couldn't work out our differences. felix! are you saying no before we've even discussed it? am i to feel all my arguments will be wasted? i'll skip to the final argument. more salad, perhaps? the shooter will be back dealing when you start again. he will give you an occasional helpful card. that's a fact. i'm coming to the argument. is that knife sharp enough? felix. see if it cuts better with that. sharp? kid has him, doesn't he? are you ready, shooter man? we're having a meeting and i suggest you join us. 37: ext. busch stadium, st. louis - day int. poker suite - bill, melba and the shooter