hello. christian's eric. you seen her? you minding to marry christian? son, that's what i call a sharp answer. we don't know much about you, christian's mother and me. you met christian when she was working to hot springs? now how did you happen to tell her that? maybe you run some kind of employment service on the side? living together? how come she come home now? she going to have a baby? you two have a fight? she must have had a reason. i never run across anybody like you. i guess i don't understand gamblers. you say things that sound smart alecky. but i'm not sure if they really are smart alecky. are you a believer? i mean in god. god not important? christian was raised in a christian home. i know. who is this fella christian says you're going to play that's so important? and you're going to play him. are you any good? what happens if he don't? that important to you? you playing because of money? christian said you never was much worried about money -- i been worried about money most of my life -- up until i figured out it wasn't so important. well how come you want to play this king fella? is it aspiration to be the king or just uncertainty about the future? not trying to lock something up tight and nail it down? now son which is more important to you, this king business or christian? well son, i had to know. there never was a man worth a damn, to my mind, who let his woman stand in the way of the thing he had to do. i got to go now -- see what i can do for a sick heifer. why don't you take christian, when her mama lets go of her, and tell her i said you should go to the old spring. it's a good place. let me get this straight in my head. cards is all a matter of luck, who gets dealt the best ones. so when one of you professional gamblers sits down with a bunch of your -- what do you call them -- customers, clients? their chance of winning is just as good as yours, except if you got a way to control it, who gets what cards. right? then how do you win? what about it? i think so. seems like. yeah. but if there are just the two possibilities. you would? reckon so. except if there's only two things that the bottom side can be, red or white -- the sucker is still took advantage of, isn't he? the gambler knows something he don't know. seems like there should be something else to it --