hello. yes, it is. you want him? shooter! telephone! shooter! phone for you. i always seem to be the one to answer it, no matter who it's for. are you kidding? wouldn't be much point wearing it in private. sure, why not, as long as you don't have a bulge to hide? my guess is there isn't anything about you needs hiding. but i'll give you a more definitive opinion at the bath. turkish bath. after we're through shopping. i'm treating you, christian. you don't do anything. that's what's so marvelous. they do it to you. and that side of it's held up? no complaints in the bed department? yes? he really does that to you, does he? you got one of the rare ones. according to the propaganda, right. no, honey, the stock crash wafted me right from the daisy chain into unmarried bliss. sure. some girls solve the problem by taking on an extra guy. your most sordid secrets are safe with me. confess. why don't you give him both? somehow! are you sincere, sweetie? oooo -- divine. isn't this heaven? decadent? depraved? wicked? that's what i meant by heaven. better not. shooter said they'd break at seven, and he has to have his food first, then his nap. you know, there's a day in your life i'm looking forward to. the day the kid becomes the man. lay off that. get some of this sun. let me give you some of this. keep you from burning. can't hurt you. mais tu es charmant -- charmant. come here, please. me. i'm special. right. and maybe i'll go on being the shooter's woman, even after you and i have had our little romp. what do you think about that? no barging. he doesn't have his key with him. have to buzz from downstairs. so we can treat ourselves to a little sample of things to come. honey, she lost her franchise the minute she got on that bus. you know that. i have a shaky sense of security, kid. don't make me feel unwanted. no good? what do we need cards for? still building eights. it's not my game. want to know what is? hello -- oh, hi, sugar -- why not? what's the switch? whose idea was that? he's not coming home now. whatever you say, shooter man. he'll understand. i have to tell you first. you're sitting down with lancey next monday night. shooter'll give you all the details later. let's not kick a gift horse in the teeth, sugar. we've got this time together. let's try to "fill each unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run." then let's cut the filibuster. of course. any other attitude, you're degrading the woman. you're not treating her as a person with a mind of her own, but as somebody's property. i thought we just agreed that what you and i did was strictly between us. sure, it means i'm your mother. i'm not asking for him. handle this thing right and your reputation will be better than ever. i'm glad you're taking a stand. you'll make it happen, baby. i've got faith in you -- mow the man down, sugar pie, make it quick and bloody. been too many lean years for all of us. i'm not talking about the old shooter. he's been factory rebuilt. a new spirit dwelleth in him, and his gaze is on distant hills. i know what you mean. i like a man to have plenty of assurance. good afternoon, sir. it's exactly four o'clock. it's really only about twenty-five to four. you can stay right where you are. you mean you don't remember last night? we drank all that champagne and you said "let's get married right away," and we chartered a plane to -- i locked the door. it's incredible the way you invariably worry about the shooter. worrying takes time and we don't have a lot. does it really matter so much to you now, that sense of obligation to the shooter? obligations are not what i have in mind. you any idea how much the shooter has involved in this game of yours? it's worse than that. schlaegel staked him for three years. he has his hooks so deep in shooter man, he'll take out his liver when he pulls them out. i'm asking you to consider whether your ego is worth destroying another man's whole life. what kind of switch is this? you criticize me for trying to chippie on him, then i get a little loyal and you're at me for that. rolls and coffee for the hard-headed hero. believe me kid there is too much at stake for us to rely on your doing it on your own. yeah, i woke him up. no, i didn't find it any trouble. well, you children don't need me, that's for sure. see you downstairs. you, too, honey, right? por nada, as they say. it was nothing. you had to do it, didn't you -- you had to go for it your own way. well, sonny, i hope you learned something. i know we sure as hell did. she's gone. she's got too much sense to stick with a two bit loser. why me -- i'm not part of this.