he is watching the shooter intently. he takes the money in slowly, his eyes on the shooter. now the distribution of money has been reversed. the kid has something under $12,000, lancey something under $8,000. now, just what the hell are you trying to pull? you, shooter man -- you been feeding me cards for an hour. but i was looking for it, shooter -- four times you give me the cards i need. never in a game when i been told ahead the dealer has a stake in my coming out on top. she told me enough to make me start thinking. why, you dumb bastard? -- you have to ask me why. i could break you apart for what you've done. well who the hell's was it then -- schlaegel? -- my ass bleeds for you -- now you get straight on this. no fix. you come along straight or i blow it wide open. he ain't goin' to do nothin' to you except pay off because i'm goin' to win. you got no choice. he ain't goin' to know. shooter, i'm goin' to win this one -- win it my way -- and you ride with me or you're out, finished. you better not forget it -- now beat it. i need some sleep. tell mr. schlaegel i accept his offer to use the room. i want to be called at 4 p.m. on the nose. for sure -- thanks. i don't want you to think i'm getting too personal, but you mind telling me how the hell you come to be here? can it -- where's shooter? it's incredible the way you invariably don't. we're supposed to sit down again at half past four. i got no obligations to the shooter. or to you. reach me a towel? if schlaegel bet as much on me as i heard, i guess he'd pay a nice piece of change to be sure i won. you asking me to go along with the fix? you're still working for him. on my time you're still working for him. no -- i don't hold it against you. you wanting to make things right for him -- but this game i handle my way -- win, lose, or draw. yeah, that's what i said. we took a break in the game to catch some sleep. shooter sent his woman up here to wake me up. see you, melba. thanks. you been to the place? how's your mama and papa? it's come to be just me and lancey. i got my mind on the cards. i'm glad you came, christian. you got as much right here as anybody. more right, i should have said. hell, yes. the change i come out with when i win this one, you're going to be the one to spend it. look, i said i'm glad you came -- and that's all until i wrap this up -- i'm a poker player, remember? the eight'll try two bills. two hundred. take it away. go read a magazine, honey. i don't want a break. deal. i want a new deck. deal. i guess we been told. see you in about 3. 4 of an hour, lancey, right? listen, i think it is amazing you've been able to keep going this long. if you think so. sorry. nothing, nothing you have to worry about. i'll see you later. get something to eat. what i told the shooter goes. that's an argument? i'll give you a fact. i won't let it happen. very. but it don't cut any ice with me. not this time. he exits. did you eat? why not, for chris sakes? you should eat something. talk. what's going to happen? what's going to happen for chris sake is i'm going to win the game. you go back to the apartment, honey, this might take two more days. well, that's up to you, christian. i told you, shooter -- i won't go for it. the shooter's not well. he didn't want to spoil the game, but he ought to be resting. he ought to be in the hospital. it is to me. you want to kill yourself, do it on your own time. pair of eights bets an even thousand dollars. and up five. and up five hundred. call. five hundred. call. two thousand, five hundred dollars. bet what's in front of me. make it fifty-four hundred bucks. any time. that's what it's all about? you were crazy -- odds are three hundred to one against. no -- not the king -- not much of anything right now. i know that. i'm fine. weren't you going to say good-bye? yeah, i guess you did. you don't know if i won or lost do you? yeah, i know.