forgiven long since. we had a little jurisdictional dispute. so i tried to tell him our rules down there. colored marks are for colored hustlers. including my girl. you did. i swear i don't know what i'm doing sitting down with you titans, but maybe it's worth putting up five thousand for the educational value. king says twenty. leave it to the rich folk. i'm over. i had them both with a pair of fives. lancey has a built-in burglar alarm. i'm also withdrawing from the field of battle, gentlemen. settle for the seventeen hundred i've already dropped. anything? ten bucks and my notoriously fallible instinct tells me the boy is bluffing this time. mark it. mark it -- could be a high heart. queen's the best, but that old man can be cocky with an ace or a deuce. 'specially having one of the kid's tens. he won't run and i don't think he's got the jacks. i think he's going for the flush. if the man has a flush or a straight, he goes under. but not with both.