toto, will you bring him home when you close down? he would have been happy you came, toto. he always talked about you. always! right to the end! he was terribly fond of you. he left two things for you. come see me before you leave. these are the things he left to you. when they showed your films on television, he was happy. he'd plop himself down there and all his ailments were forgotten. he knew all the words by heart, every one, and i'd describe what was going on. and when the papers talked about you, i had to read them two or three times. no, never! one time your mother said that if he wanted, you'd have surely come. he got furious and said 'no, toto mustn't come back to giancaldo, never!!' he didn't say it to be mean. he was a decent man. who knows what he could have been thinking? towards the end he'd say such strange things. and a moment before he shut his eyes, he told your mother not to let you know.