ssssssh!!! ssssssh! silence! for christ's sake! cut it, alfredoooo! sssssh' drop dead! silence! hey, kids, we're here to see the film! ahhh! what a shame! i've been going to the movies for twenty years and i never saw a kiss! and when will we see one? fraaaame!! wake up, alfredo! holy mother! what a face! so ugly! ssssh! sssssh! be quiet out there!! what the hell! to the cinema paradiso! ooooooh! they're kissing!! look at that!! christ, that's news!! hey, when's it starting!! we've got ploughing to do in the morning!! toto, get a move on!! heeey!! well said! well said! we want our money back!! no! first part, my foot! we want to see how the story ends!! nooo! no! shut up, you jerk!!