charles. do you really think - those threatening letters, can they really - please don't talk any more, charles. have they heard from father yet? has he seen - here i am, darling. darling!. darling, it's all right. mother's here. they won't hurt you, darling. mother's with you! mother's looking after you! i'm sending junior home in the car, charles - with oliver - there's a call i want you to make with me, charles. no, it can't. good night, darling. it may not be about anything at all. i intend to find out. i'm going to - - 185 west 74th street. if you wish, you can come with me. how do you do? i came here - and i made mr. kane come with me. because i recieved this note - charles! your - your breaking this man's neck - would scarcely explain this note - serious consequences for mr. kane - for myself, and for my son. what does this note mean, miss - what does this note mean, miss alexander? oh!! let him finish, charles. i think i understand, mr. rogers, but wonder if - what story, mr. rogers? you don't have to show me anything, mr. rogers. i believe you. there seems to be only one decision you can make, charles. i'd say that it has been made for you. i suppose the details can be arranged tomorrow, mr. rogers. about the statements by the doctors - i don't see what else you can do, charles. if he's right - and the papers publish this story he has - charles, this - this story - doesn't concern only you. i'll be in it, too, won't i? and junior? i'm not interested in the voters of this state right now. i am interested in - well, junior, for one thing. they won't. goodnight, mr. rogers. there's nothing more to be said, charles. i don't think so. are you coming, charles? you decided what you were going to do, charles - some time ago. you can't always have it your own way, regardless of anything else that may have happened. come on, charles. charles, if you don't listen to reason, it may be too late - it is too late now, charles. goodnight, charles. hello, brad - i'm sorry i sent for you, brad - didn't - are all the returns in? let me see it. i'm surprised he got the votes he did. why should anyone vote for him? he's made it quite clear to the people what he thinks of them. children - to be told one thing one day, something else the next, as the whim seizes him. and they're supposed to be grateful and love and adore him - because he sees to it that they get cheap ice and only pay a nickel in the street cars. there aren't any personal lives for people like us. he made that very clear to me nine years ago - if i'd thought of my life with charles as a personal life, i'd have left him then - maybe i should have - the first time he showed me what a mad dog he really was. brad, i'm - i'm not an old woman yet - know it is, brad - if you're asking me to sympathize with him, brad, you're wasting your time. there's only one person i'm sorry for, as a matter of fact. that - that shabby little girl. i'm really sorry for her, brad.