looks bad for us, mr. kane. how shall we handle it? maybe we'd better wait for more word on the president's condition. he may recover - goodnight, mr. kane. mr. leland sent back that check. you made it out to him last week after he left for chicago. it was for twenty-five thousand dollars. he sent it back torn up - all torn up into little bits, and he enclosed something else - i can't make it out. it says here, "a declaration of principles" - "i will provide the people of this city with a daily paper that will tell all the news honestly" - a wonderful speech, mr. kane. i just got word from buffalo, mr. kane. they're going to throw you the organization vote - and take a chance maybe you'll give them a break - on an independent ticket there's never been anything like it! if the election were held today, you'd be elected by a hundred thousand votes - and every day between now and november 7th is just going to add to your majority. rogers isn't even pretending. he isn't just scared anymore. he's sick. frank norris told me last night he hasn't known rogers to be that worried in twenty-five years.