i say, are you looking for a way out of here? we have an extra seat. where are you wanting to go? max's eyes flick from veejay to the back view of manubai as she continues on and back to veejay. we were among the fortunate back in '48. we got out of east bengal before partition destroyed so many. we make mattresses. the rajah double spring. veejay has an old flask out. we don't have a flight attendant on this flight. are you a musician, mr. loeb? oh, he doesn't care about that, do you, max? here, look here. veejay opens a little cupboard, stocked with liquor. help yourself. be comfortable. ravi, come on, go, go, let's leave the young man to himself. obediently, ravi goes. veejay follows. max goes to the window. believe me, i understand, but you know how women are. do you have enough money? max gives him a non-commital shrug. veejay winks, stuffs the money into max's pocket.