do you mind if i drink this here? are you sure? are you sure? do you really want to buy those cigarettes? how long have you been smoking? how long have you been a smoker? i'd say you're about nineteen, twenty, am i right? that's your lung. by this time, your lung looks like this. you think i'm shitting you. it's a trach ring. it's what they install in your throat when throat cancer takes your voice box. this one came out of a sixty-year-old man. he smoked until the day he died. used to put the cigarette in this thing and smoke it that way. this is where you're heading. a cruddy lung, smoking through a hole in your throat. do you really want that? it's never too late. give those cigarettes back now, and buy some gum instead. here. chewlies gum. try this. it's cheaper than cigarettes. and it certainly beats this. it's a picture of a cancer-ridden lung. keep it. you've made a wise choice. keep up the good work. no, i think i'll drink it in here, thanks. okay. i'm sorry about that. this? how long have you been smoking? you're spending what? twenty, thirty dollars a week on cigarettes. fifty-three dollars. would you pay someone that much money every week to kill you? because that's what you're doing now, by paying for the so-called privilege to smoke! it's that kind of mentality that allows this cancer-producing industry to thrive. of course we're all going to die someday, but do we have to pay for it? do we have to actually throw hard-earned dollars on a counter and say, "please, please, mister merchant of death, sir; please sell me something that will give me bad breath, stink up my clothes, and fry my lungs." of course it's not; not when you have people like this mindless cretin so happy and willing to sell you nails for your coffin! now he's going to launch into his rap about how he's just doing his job; following orders. friends, let me tell you about another bunch of hate mongers that were just following orders: they were called nazis, and they practically wiped a nation of people from the earth. just like cigarettes are doing now! cigarette smoking is the new holocaust, and those that partake in the practice of smoking or sell the wares that promote it are the nazis of the nineties! he doesn't care how many people die from it! he smiles as you pay for your cancer sticks and says, "have a nice day." you want me to leave? why? because somebody is telling it like it is? somebody's giving these fine people a wake-up call?! you're the disturbance, pal! and here. i'm buying some. what's this?. chewlie's gum. there. i'm no longer loitering. i'm a customer, a customer engaged in a discussion with other customers. oh, he's scared now! he sees the threat we present! he smells the changes coming, and the loss of sales when the nonsmokers finally demand satisfaction. we demand the right to breathe cleaner air! we'd rather chew our gum than embrace slow death! let's abolish this heinous practice of sucking poison, and if it means ruffling the feathers of a convenience store idiot, then so be it! we're not moving! we have a right, a constitutional right, to assemble and be heard! what better place than this? to stamp it out, you gotta start at the source! the ones in this town, yes! you encourage their growth, their habit. you're the source in this area, and we're going to shut you down for good! for good, cancer-merchant!