are you open? excuse me. i don't mean to interrupt, but what were you talking about? well, i'm a contractor myself. i'm a roofer. dunn and reddy home improvements. and speaking as a roofer, i can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs. three months ago i was offered a job up in the hills. a beautiful house with tons of property. it was a simple reshingling job, but i was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. then i realized whose house it was. dominick bambino's. the same. the money was right, but the risk was too big. i knew who he was, and based on that, i passed the job on to a friend of mine. right. and that week, the foresci family put a hit on babyface's house. my friend was shot and killed. he wasn't even finished shingling. i'm alive because i knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. my friend wasn't so lucky. you know, any contractor willing to work on that death star knew the risks. if they were killed, it was their own fault. a roofer listens to this. not his wallet. 7: