just now. dante. you've got a customer. i just saw alyssa's little sister outside. she was with rick derris. train. it took eight hours. until monday. then i have to take the train back. you're just going to lock the store like that? you saw it? it's not what you think. i'm not pregnant. i was going to tell you. but then we were getting along so well, i didn't want to mess it up. i know, i'm sorry. but when we started talking. it's like i forgot i had a boyfriend. and then he proposed last month. well. kind of, sort of? i would've told you, and you would have stopped calling, like a baby. because i know you. you prefer drastic measures to rational ones. no. the story goes like this: he proposed, and i told him i had to think about it, and he insisted i wear the ring anyway. then my mother told the paper we were engaged. then my mother called me this morning and told me the announcement was in the paper. that's when i hopped the train to come back here, because i knew you'd be a wreck. was i right? i love a macho faade. it's such a turn-on. what smells like shoe polish? the last thing i needed was for you to think i was hiding something from you. no, i wasn't. not really. i told you'd i'd been seeing other people. i'm giving him his ring back. i don't want to marry him. i don't want to get married now. i'm on the verge of graduation. i want to go to grad school after this. and then i want to start a career. i don't want to be a wife first, and then have to worry about when i'' going to fit in all of the other stuff. i've come way too far and studied too hard to let my education go to waste as a housewife. and i know that's what i'd become. sang's already signed with a major firm, and he's going to be pulling a huge salary, which would give me no reason to work, and he's so traditional anyway. stop it. he's a nice guy. i just told you. why, mr. hicks-whatever do you mean? you don't have anything to do with it. look how full of yourself you are. if i'm so nuts about you, then why am i having sex with an asian design major? i had to bring you down from that cloud you were floating on. when i say i don't want to get married, i mean just that. i don't want to marry anybody. not for years. good. stay in that frame of mind. i'm sure sang and-veronica?-would like that. you're serious. you want to date again. it's just the shock of seeing me after three years. believe me, you'll get over it. you work in a market, all right. the key word here is talk, dante. i think the idea, the conception of us dating is more idyllic than what actually happens when we date. i don't know. maybe we should just see what happens. you mean, on a date? the dante hicks dinner and a movie date. i think i've been on that one before. how about the caitlin bree walk on the boardwalk, then get naked somewhere kind of private date? jerk. here i am, throwing myself at you, succumbing to your wily charms, and you call me a slut, in so many words. sang. he's not invited. i offer you my body and you offer me semantics? he's just a boyfriend, dante, and in case you haven't gotten the drift of why i came all the way here from ohio, i'm about to become single again. and yes-let me placate your ego-you are the inspiration for this bold and momentous decision, for which i'll probably be ostracized at both school and home. you ask me who i choose, i choose you. you're such an asshole. i can already tell this isn't going to work. where'd he go? i'd have thought he'd be at your side, like an obedient lapdog. you're too responsible. but no. i have to go home first. they don't even know i left school. and i should break the disengagement news to my mother, which is going to cause quite a row, considering she loves sang. well, me i guess. so, i shall take my leave of you, but i will return in a little while, at which time-yes-i would love to go for dinner and a movie with you. i'm easy, but i'm not that easy. see you later, handsome. randal graves-scourge of the video renter. you saw that article? god, isn't it awful? my mother sent that in. you'd think she was marrying him. what are you watching? she said not to come home until graduation. what can i say? he does weird things to me. you can hold me down. you might be let down. i'm not a hermaphrodite. a woman's intuition. something in me says it's time to give the old boy a serious try. dick. so where is he? god, isn't he great? can i use the bathroom? why aren't there any lights? you're kidding. such a sordid state of affair. i'll try to manage. you're very protective of him, randal. you always have been. awww. that was so cute. how'd you get here so fast? do you always talk weird after you violate women? promise me it'll always be like that. when you just lie perfectly still and let me do everything. i went back there, and dante was already waiting for me. it was so cool. he didn't say a word. he was just. ready, you know? and we didn't kiss or talk or anything. he just sat there and let me do all the work. and the fact that there weren't any lights made it so. god! that was so great! yeah, right. who was it: randal? you two better quit it. we didn't just have sex in the bathroom? stop this. this isn't funny. this isn't fucking funny, dante! i feel nauseous. i didn't just fuck myself! jesus, i'm going to be sick! i can't believe this! i feel faint. no, don't! oh god.