are you open? pack of cigarettes. am i sure? am i sure about what? are you serious? what is this, a poll? since i was thirteen. what the hell is that? you're shittin' me. what's this? unnhh! well, if it's already too late. it's not the same. jesus! i'll just take the gum. pack of cigarettes. what's that? in a row? this is the last time i come to this place. using filthy language in front of the customers. you should both get fired. well, i don't know if sorry can make up for it. i found your remarks highly offensive. this doesn't even have burt reynolds in it. awww, he's so cute. what's his name? when's this period over? are you shitting me? i want to get cigarettes! fuck that! i'm gonna break my crazy neck on this ladder! he's busy! what the fuck is this?! i want some service! fuck in a second! this is. look at you! you can't even pass! how 'bout covering point!? you suck! i'll assess all i want! don't pass to this guy! he sucks! you suck! i can whip your ass. give me a stick, pretty boy! i'll knock your fucking teeth out and pass all over your ass. are you open? pack of cigarettes. cute cat. what's its name? are you open? pack of cigarettes. "space alien revealed as head of time warner; reports stock increase." they print any kind of shit in these papers. i saw one, one time, that said the world was ending the next week. then in the next week's paper, they said we were miraculously saved at the zero hour by a koala-fish mutant bird. crazy shit. and i remember this one time the damn paper said. i'm gonna break your fucking head! you fucking jerkoff! well, he missed! this is the last time i ever come here. and if i ever see you again, i'm gonna break your fucking head open! excuse me, do you have. pack of cigarettes. congratulations. i saw that announcement in today's paper. she's marrying an asian design major. cute cat. what's his name. you open? oooh! navy seals! Hello? Little help?