are you open? just the paper. i don't know. i can't really tell from here. i'd say about sixty, seventy-tops. my ex-boyfriend was about his height, but he was much bulkier. he could bench two-fifty, three hundred easy. no way! that's tight. solid. he's got those love handles. oh, i know. if i had to work here all day, i'd be bloated and out of shape, too. you're dante hicks? oh my god! i didn't even recognize you! you remember alyssa jones? she hung out with. i'm her sister. yep. i remember you got caught in my parents' room with caitlin once. to an asian design major. oh my god! you're rick derris? caitlin used to talk about him all the time. oh yeah. you were the built older guy with the black trans and the big. i still remember caitlin telling us about that time you two went to that motel-the one with the mirrors and the hot tub in the room. she said one time you set up a tent on the beach and you guys did it in the middle of this big rainstorm. i'm surprised you never found out about it, dante. everybody in school knew-even in my class. that's sick, dante. sure. how about the beach?