who's leading this mob? freeze. let's see some credentials. slowly. you're a chewlie's gum representative? and you're stirring up all this antismoking sentiment to. what?. sell more gum? get out of here. and you people: don't you have jobs to go to? get out of here and go commute. you oughta be ashamed of yourselves. easily led automatons. try thinking for yourself before you pelt and innocent man with cigarettes. it looked like tiananmen square in here for a second. "thank you, veronica; you saved me from an extremely ugly mob scene." okay, champ. what's wrong? all right, stupid question. but don't you think you're taking this a bit too hard? at least they weren't lit. then quit. you should be going to school anyway. all i'm saying is that if you're unhappy you should leave. i know. i stopped by your house and your mom said you left at like six or something. don't you have a hockey game at two? why did you agree to come in then? why don't you open the shutters and get some sunlight in here? you're kidding. you look bushed. what time did you get to bed? what were you doing up so late? what were you doing? who's fighting? why are you so defensive? she called you, didn't she? how much money did you leave up there? you're trusting. how do you know they're taking the right amount of change? or even paying for what they take? honesty through paranoia. why do you smell like shoe polish? do you think anyone can see us down here? ooh! can we?! i was kidding. typically male point of view. you show some bedroom proficiency, and you think you're gods. what about what we do for you? "be there?" how flattering. oh, you think so? and i actually date you? i'm insulted. believe me, don juan, it takes more than that to get a guy off. just "being there"-as you put it-is not enough. i'm astonished to hear you trivialize my role in our sex life. you were making a generalization about "broads!" how many? how many girls have you slept with? we might have; i don't remember. how many? it better be up to and including me. you've slept with twelve different girls? you're a pig. do you know how many different men i've had sex with? three. three including you. i'm not the pig you are. you! john franson and rob stanslyk. i am. and that's why you should feel like a pig. you men make me sick. you'll sleep with anything that says yes. vegetable meaning paraplegic. after dropping a bombshell like that, you owe me. big. i want you to come with me on monday. to school. there's a seminar about getting back into a scholastic program after a lapse in enrollment. it's important to me, dante. you have so much potential that just goes to waste in this pit. i wish you'd go back to school. unlike you, i have a class in forty-five minutes. willam! no, i'm just visiting my man. dante, this is willam black. this is dante hicks, my boyfriend. no, i transferred into monmouth this year. i was tired of missing him. i just talked to her on monday. we still hang out on weekends. i will. take it easy. bye that was snowball. sylvan made it up. it's a blow job thing. after he gets a blow job, he likes to have the cum spit back into his mouth while kissing. it's called snowballing. he gets off on it. why do you say that? sylvan? no; i snowballed him. i'm serious. yeah. how do you think i know he liked. that's because i never had sex with him! we went out a few times. we didn't have sex, but we fooled around. because i did only sleep with three guys! that doesn't mean i didn't just go with people. i'm sorry, dante. i thought you understood. please calm down. dante. let it go. all right! shut up a second and i'll tell you! jesus! i didn't freak like this when you told me how many girls you fucked. something like thirty-six. lower your voice! um. thirty-seven. i'm going to class. hey listen, jerk! until today you never even knew how many guys i'd slept with, because you never even asked. and then you act all nonchalant about fucking twelve different girls. well, i never had sex with twelve different guys! yeah, i went down on a few guys. and one of those guys was you! the last one, i might add, which-if you're too stupid to comprehend- means that i've been faithful to you since we met! all the other guys i went with before i met you, so, if you want to have a complex about it, go ahead! but don't look at me like i'm the town whore, because you were plenty busy yourself, before you met me! because going down it's a big deal! i used to like a guy, we'd make out, and sooner or later i'd go down on him. but i only had sex with the guys i loved. i love you. don't feel sick. i'm going to school. maybe later you'll be a bit more rational. goodbye, dante. what happened to home by twelve? lit 101 got canceled, so i stopped home and brought you some lunch. peanut butter and jelly with the crusts cut off. what do you think it is? it's lasagne. i'm glad you've calmed down a bit. hi, randal. you had to tell him. what did he say? and that made you feel better? the ostrich syndrome: if you don't see it. thank you for being rational. you couldn't get these shutters open? bummer, well, i've gotta head back for the one-thirty class. eight. but i have a sorority meeting till nine, so i'll be back before you close. can we go out and get some coffee? good. i'll see you when you close, then. enjoy the lasagne. and. he told you all of this? i. i don't know what to say. i'm not sad. no, i'm more furious. i'm pissed off. i feel like he's been killing time while he tries to grow the balls to tell me how he really feels, and then he can't even do it! he has his friend do it for him! after all that i've done for that fuck! and he wants to be with that slut? fine! he can have his slut! i'm going to have a word with that asshole. if you didn't want to go out with me anymore, why didn't you just say it? instead, you pussyfoot around and see that slut behind my back! you've been talking to her on the phone for weeks! and then you pull that shit this morning, freaking out because i've gone down on a couple guys! i'm not the one trying to patch things up with my ex, sneaking around behind your back! and if you think that thirty-seven dicks are a lot, then just wait, mister: i'm going to put the hookers in times square to shame with all the guys i go down on now! explain what? how you were waiting until the time was right, and then you were going to dump me for her? you're damn right it's not like that! because i won't let it be like that! you want your slut? fine! the slut is yours! you don't know what you want, but i'm not going to sit here anymore holding your hand until you figure it out! i've encouraged you to get out of this fucking dump and go back to school, to take charge of your life and find direction. i even transferred so maybe you would be more inclined to go back to college if i was with you. everyone said it was a stupid move, but i didn't care because i loved you and wanted to see you pull yourself out of this senseless funk you've been in since that whore dumped you, oh so many years ago. and now you want to go back to her so she can fuck you over some more? of course not; not now! you're caught, and now you're trying to snake out of doing what you wanted to do. well, i won't let you. i want you to follow through on this, just so you can find out what a fucking idiot you are. and when she dumps you again-and she will, dante, i promise you that-when she dumps you again, i want to laugh at you, right in your face, just so you realize that that was what you gave up our relationship for! i'm just glad randal had the balls to tell me, since you couldn't. and having him tell me. that was just the weakest move ever. you're spineless. fuck you.