there's no radio contact, sir. at all. we're not receiving the tracer signal from the cockpit's flight recorder. radar lost it after it went low here. we have to assume it went down in the storm. that storm hasn't quit yet. weather service says we've got it until tomorrow morning at least. even if we could get a plane up now, it'd be impossible to see anything on the ground. and -- most of this area doesn't even have roads. we've got a fix on the plane, sir -- we're getting a reading on the flight recorder tracer -- not yet -- the winds are still too strong -- sir -- i've got something here. there's an unconfirmed report of a distress call made from a plane that crashed. this call was supposedly made from a plane that crash landed. after it landed. we've tested the ash inside -- it's the right paper. it's -- hard to tell. but forensics says yes. all of them were in the plane.