how do they look? where's gabe? hal, if i hear that story one more time, i'm making you limp down the entire three thousand feet, over -- you aren't wasting any time, are you? who is standing off to the side. i knew you'd be coming by. today. if you're in that much of a hurry, why don't you ride with me? it's a thermal scope -- picks up body heat of lost hikers -- you could have said goodbye. today -- especially today -- you get to hear it again. the harness clip broke. cold stress -- one in a million equipment failure. you and hal could have checked it from then till now and it still would have happened. you did everything right -- yes. yes, i do. rescue one to base, over. negative, hal -- storm's already moving in -- i can't see them, and winds are too strong to stay up here -- over -- i don't think he's planning a long visit, hal. rescue one heading back to base, over and out. hey there -- sure. gabe walker -- this is a27. a27 -- gabe. her. i call her lucky. they got the mother -- and left this one behind. too small to make a decent trophy, i guess. time to change the dressing. i've had to learn. she trust me -- the usual. flew off -- never calls, never writes -- i'm glad to see you, gabe. but i kind of wish you hadn't come. i was almost used to you being gone. why are you here? does that mean you're going to stay? you come back after being gone a year, and you expect me to -- you don't live here any more, gabe. your choice, remember? but this is my home. i'm not leaving. you can stay with me, or you can go alone. it's still your choice. rescue unit -- what's going on, hall? -- over -- everything isn't okay, hal -- i'm coming up after you -- over -- i can handle the winds -- acknowledged. let me talk to gabe -- over -- i'm going to go nuts if i sit here one more hour. you coming? hal! gabe! it's evan. parachute failed. why would anybody try at all. get the bag. bring it down here. just do it, frank. no it isn't. i'm going to find brett -- i don't want to have to talk to his widow too. fly evan's body back to base -- i'll call you when i've found brett. or hal. or gabe. or anybody. yes. where is he? where? -- hesitates -- she's still getting used to the idea of being shot at -- drops into the relative safety of the crack and rappels downward. we can't -- it hurts just looking at you. it's not going to work in here. why are they doing this? we might be able to get up that way -- there's an opening -- what are we going to do? what are you doing? frank! down here! frank! -- are you out of your mind -- gabe -- this rope is sixty years old ought to. about. will it hold? my ears are ringing -- but i'm all right. gabe, what's going on? where? "all?" jesus, gabe -- what do you expect to do then? i'm going with you. i'm just as good a climber as you are -- and right now, i'm definitely in better shape. anything you say, gabe. gabe? i'll go first. tensely watches gabe's crossing -- smiles -- this is more like the gabe she remembers. she gets on the wire and starts across in a fast, easy rhythm. gabe -- you're going to get yourself killed -- okay. hears the helicopter, and turns around -- she has no way of knowing it isn't frank, so she takes off her jacket and waves it as a signal -- frank! down here! starts running, but it's useless. nowhere to hide. travers hovers over her, firing ahead of her, firing behind her, not to kill, just to make a point. he's in charge. gabe? Does this mean you're staying?