travers -- hurry it up. why didn't you send the money over? not bad. the insulin was a nice touch. get ready. he doesn't have one. just a wallet. i don't trust him. i'd rather he didn't show us. we don't need two guides. bring the money down, or we kill your friend! no. we need him to get the rest of the money. if he dies we lose everything follow him! easily mows down brett with his machine gun, riddling him with at least thirty rounds at close range. brett falls dead into the snow. qualen walks up to brett's corpse, blood steaming in the reddening snow, and kicks it over. was that walker? chooses this moment to show up at the opposite edge -- he fires and automatic burst at gabe and maggie. is still at the edge of the crack -- stymied. he's definitely not climbing down after them -- he pulls back from the edge. he's still alive. for another two minutes. patience. try to get thirty million in entertainment out of this, because he is definitely in for thirty million worth of pain. don't worry. they may still be alive. that was the small one. you might say a few words for your friends -- this is the one that will bury them. i'm not sure -- i set the timer -- when i was seventeen, i was a sentry on the east berlin boundary. there was a problem, then -- too many defectors were managing to sneak through the wilderness to the west. a man would take them through, every night of every week -- a man like your friend. he had quite a sense of humor. every time he got someone through, he'd radio us at midnight to let us know how many. "five tonight." "eight more have been freed tonight." no one could find the route. it made me look bad. i looked day and night and finally i found it. a tunnel. i didn't tell me superiors. i put a charge there, with a timer to trigger a radio receiver on the detonator. at midnight. our friend made his radio report, and i heard him say "seven" before the explosion. they pulled eight bodies out of the tunnel, and i was promoted to intelligence the next day. not as far as we'd be with the helicopter. it looks like two miles, but -- -- it'll take some time. what about him? agreed. checks the monitor -- the relative position shows they're -- almost there. kill him! now! travers. get down here. now. no. walker has. is running alone, following the monitor lead -- until he sees a band of $5000s in the snow. sure he's on the right track, qualen picks it up and picks up his pace too. but we can see that behind him and higher up -- has just hit the top of the slope and spotted him -- qualen's gun blazes down -- arrives where gabe was and looks down the slope -- starts running down the slope -- he doesn't have speed, but he does have the machine gun -- he fires short bursts at -- smiles and shakes his head. too obvious. gabe is hiding underneath the bridge, in the three foot deep network of steel supports. qualen slows his pace, staring down through the thin, but visible cracks between the planks. you've come a long way to die. enjoying himself, slams a fresh clip into his machine gun. if you were smart, you'd have left your friend behind. i would have. there's no shame in staying alive. but you're not smart. and now you're going to die from an overdose of heroism. stops firing and kicks away the planks, which are a tangle of toothpicks at this point -- qualen bends down -- stalemate, isn't it? far more intimidating when it's loaded. realizing what deep shit he's in, looks for another chunk of ice to make the same move -- to sees one just out of reach. qualen pulls the ice axe out of the raft's center to drag the other chunk closer in -- -- as he does, the entire raft disintegrates under him -- qualen plunges into the water, and tries to maintain a slippery grip on what ice is left --