swings over across to the facing mountain -- maggie lands the copter, in spite of the winds, on a small plateau. frank gets out to secure the wire -- there's now a lifeline spanning the chasm. whizzes on to the ranger station -- a small building by an old country road. not much activity outside of some rookie climbers working out on a climbing practice wall. maggie starts to land the copter, and as she does -- banks a 180 to fly back -- we can see over the horizon that the storm is moving in fast. thunders over hal -- travers fires down at hal through the doorless pilot's side. bullets kick up tufts of snow at hal's heels as he runs down into a steep, sloping wooded area. the tree cover is too thick for travers to take good aim. looks like temporary refuge -- but thunders around the mountain wall, getting closer -- blasts along the wall towards the lake -- the waterfall and the ladder are just ahead. the copter radio crackles -- quickly begins to spiral down in wide, aimless circles -- travers has clearly lost control -- tops the precipice edge and, sweeping low over the snow, it gets between gabe and the trees, cutting him off -- with its skids skipping just over the snow overtakes -- moves out over the precipice edge -- travers banks it wide to circle back around for another run -- has circled back around, stopping at a hover far back in the clearing -- travers intends to not just run gabe over, but to run him off the edge as well -- flies forward, skids just inches over the snow -- flies past skid meant to impale gabe catches the top two rungs of the cable ladder -- still strains against the cable ladder but the engine goes dead -- the rotor blades slow -- slips, now hanging from just a single rung -- -- and the impact of the slip makes travers drop the gun -- it falls out the open passenger door. travers scrambles up through the cabin to go after -- -- gabe, who is trying to get off the helicopter and onto a solid part of the ladder before the whole thing goes down -- gabe jumps for the wall as travers scrambles behind him and -- plummets down -- but as it starts its fall --