tell wright the san francisco shipment is ready. be ready in five. your parents must be proud. what the fuck is this about? there isn't a hell of a lot anyone can do but observe. this is the most protected shipment we've got -- and the most useless for a thief. those bills aren't in circulation. you think five thousand dollar bills are easy to pass? who the fuck would try? who is he? could you get to the part where i'm supposed to care? thanks for the tip. but i've got work to do. you have my sympathy, but -- there's a reason we do things this way, all right? armored cars can be hijacked. trains can be derailed. but nobody can get to us in flight. the only time this is on the ground is at the mint, or on the presidio runway in san francisco. either way, someone would have to shoot his way past a couple of thousand guards. if you're worried about an inside job, forget it. i checked the plane from top to bottom an hour ago. and these three are my best against. even if one of them did go skydiving, they wouldn't get far. each case has an electronic tracer with a range of one hundred miles. i haven't lost a bill in eight years. and i'm not scrubbing this shipment because you scare easily. stay put! don't panic, goddammit! no -- we're going too fast, and we're too high up. push flaps forward twenty degrees and drop to five thousand feet. what the hell are you doing -- calm down -- give the gun to me -- he's losing it -- don't make me laugh. move into position. is also wired to a safety line by his own jet's open door. more -- more -- keep it coming -- -- takes it in and clips it to a ring at the top of the jet's doorway. locked on. move into lateral position. so what. he'll sift though a plane that went down in a storm -- -- find enough pulverized bone for six men heroically killed in the line of duty -- -- and just enough of the right kind of ash. we get twenty-one gun funerals and they write off fifty million. it's perfect, as long as you hold the plane steady -- so concentrate. on my way. that charge is going to blow both engines -- the plane'll go down like a rock, so clip yourself on to the end of the cable with the money as soon as i get over. and make sure you bring the right cases. dip the plane. i'm coming over. somehow, i didn't think you'd have waited for me if i'd sent it first. get underneath the jet! the cases will slide over! lower! get underneath it! now -- we call the police. have they arrived? good. return to the plane and cover your tracks. where? you said "we". where are the rest? what's for dinner? ugh. "dried beef slices with barbeque sauce." try and make this edible. hal tucker. where's yours? gabe walker. very attractive. too bad. let me tell you what's on for today. we'd like you to help settle a wager. you see, we lost some luggage -- see these? now i've bet the gentlemen behind you that you know enough about this mountain range to lead us to each of these, quickly, and that you'd be happy to do so. they bet me you couldn't and wouldn't. now tell me -- who wins? good dog. now let's get this expedition started. okay. connect the dots. hold it. it's up there. fetch. you've got to be kidding. where could he go? you win. kill him when he gets down. lower it down -- now! get him! we can't. and he knows it. apoplectic, stares at seventeen million dollars worth of snow settling far below. he takes his gun, furious, and fires at get us out of here. no tricks, no procedural codes, no personal messages -- just tell them everything's under control and you're taking care of the wounded. have her come up. good. you might live longer than your friend. now -- -- what? it looks like a winding route. is this it? good. get out of the way. this way. is excited now -- he can't even wait for qualen's flashlight, he intuitively races through the trees, dividing his attention between his surroundings and shoves his way through some small pines -- he can see the blinking of the red tracer light ahead through the branches. it's over here! he's still alive. he's still alive! he can't be far away -- spread out! put your hands on your head. still interested in staying alive? show me. "end of the line"? that's classic. you've got style. so, i'm going to give you a three-count to figure out how to turn the safety off. time to -- runs in the direction of the footprints and quickly closes the gap between him and bursts out of the woods and runs up right behind him -- does likewise, still firing -- his clip runs out, but this only buys evan an extra few seconds -- is right behind him, and has slapped a fresh clip in place, but before he can shoot -- stops firing -- but doesn't seem unhappy at all. who doesn't see gabe -- he's laughing at evan's desperation, which ends as his death scream is cut off. no such luck. cheer up. everyone should die in a spot this beautiful. forget about it. he's smart, but he's not invisible. i thought you said there was an easy way across. don't be. lead on. look -- this part is nothing, believe me -- then get the money, kill him and get back here. now. don't tell me -- what happened? thanks. we couldn't have killed him without you. there's our ride out of here. everyone out of sight -- except you, kristel. make the distress call. you're so good at it. answer that. i almost believed you myself. time for number three. unless you want to have a longer conversation with him elsewhere. suit yourself. you see, we just had a little interface with several branches of the federal government -- one of whose members i know has zero imagination -- and i can tell you, the cavalry just isn't going to make it by this week. no, you're taking us where we want to go. because you want to return that favor and you want to do more than watch. you want to kill me -- more than anything, even more than you want to keep on breathing, and with a little more time you pray you'll get that chance. am i right? qualen. how far along are you? we have less than half a tank of fuel, eric -- if we burn it up treasure hunting we'll never get off this rock. now -- how far away are you? time we have -- walker's dead, wright's an idiot. and our guide -- as soon as he becomes a convenience instead of a necessity -- kill him. is trying to repair the helicopter door when the call comes. have you found the money? banks the helicopter around and up for another pass. he's hiding twenty yards in -- be careful. he's right behind you! something's moving fast down the hill -- is it tucker? answer me! is it tucker? is at the controls. hop in. i know someone who'd like to see you again before he dies. qualen -- kristel -- come in -- you wanted to make a trade earlier, walker -- still interested? i'll kill her -- all right. drop the gun first. get out. stares down, incredulous -- as he does -- knows he has gabe nailed -- he shoves the stick forward -- smiles -- nothing to worry about -- he speeds ahead -- leaps from the falling copter and grabs gabe's leg -- gabe struggles to support both of them, but travers, weakened from his wound, loses his grip on gabe's leg -- he stares up in terror at gabe as he clutches gabe's snow-slick boot --