ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, you're a great crowd . i have been informed that we have a celebrity with us tonight who is a legend, a man who truly needs no introduction. so let's give a harrah's casino warm welcome to the greatest baseball player of all time, the one and only ty cobb! and this one's for the georgia peach! they break into "sweet georgia brown." louis prima. keely smith no gal made has got a shade on sweet georgia brown, two left feet but oh so sweet is sweet georgia brown. cobb breaks into a little dance with ramona at the table, much to stump's amazement. for a moment, at least, there is great footwork and lightness in his movement -- we get a glimpse of the great athlete he once was. the great ty cobb! c'mon up here! my great pleasure, sir -- i've always wanted to ask you something, mr. cobb, with all the great ballplayers playing right now -- how well do you think you'd do against today's players? that's amazing, mr. cobb, considering your lifetime average is nearly a hundred points higher. why do you think you'd only hit .275 against today's pitchers? thank you very much. another round of applause for the georgia peach, ty cobb!