the great left-handed pitcher from the new york giants, who struck out five men in a row in the 19-- all-star game -- carl hubbell. lanky carl hubbell, 50's, waves to the crowd and cameras as he enters to applause from the locals gathered. the great third baseman from the chicago cubs, harold joseph 'pie' traynor. pie traynor, 60's, struggles to the entrance using a cane. paul and lloyd waner, the waner brothers -- big poison and little poison -- from the pittsburgh pirates. the waner brothers, 60's, jauntily wave and enter. fifty-eight home runs in a season -- mr. double-x -- the great jimmy foxx! and ladies and gentlemen, the highest lifetime batting average of all time, first man elected to the hall of fame, retired with over 90 batting records, the one and only georgia peach, ty cobb! cobb gets out, followed by stump. cobb walks into the building, past the cameras, utterly erect and upright, stretching his full six feet one inch. the applause is the most enthusiastic yet.