have a shot, kid. a little nerve tonic. if you gotta take a leak, do it now. sure you can. it's called diversionary tactics. it's o.k. i got the sonovabitch. police! stay where you are! the kid didn't dust him. i did. him or me, sarge. the kid saw the whole thing. tell him, nick. look, it's no big thing, kid. a friggin' dog and pony show. some dumb ass questions by dumb ass bureaucrats. "when's the last time you were at the range?" crap like that. you born yesterday?! these ain't cops. they'll roast our ass just cause we carry a badge. both of us. we stick together on this, kid. we're partners, right? we come up the back stairs. we start cleanin' the hallway when the deceased pops out of a doorway with a 25 automatic. i tell him to drop it, but he's comin. we had no choice. kosalas here saw the whole thing. hearing? who called for a hearing? the little fuck tried to shoot me in the back! that piece of shit! way to go, partner. nice to see you out with the boys for a change, sarge. they tell me my sergeant wouldn't sign for me. you want to tell me why? no. tell me. fuck you. where do you get off? yes, sir. i'm not saying the woman would make this up. but there's no way she could have seen anything from where she was standing in a hallway that dark. like you said, she's the boy's grandmother. we were lucky. there was a glint of light, a reflection comin off the barrel of the weapon. hey, that don't bother him. he's the fuckin white knight. you wanna take on the whole world by yourself? now you're gonna get your chance, sarge. what'd i tell ya. the sonofabitch is crazy. cool it kid. you little fuckin' bastard!