where's cragie? double play, you got him in sight? found you a present. everybody on your toes. what the hell you talking about? painters? that building's gonna be condemned! play ball! play-fucking-ball! police! no se mueve! take it easy, kosalas. stay here. take care of your partner. yeah, what about the winter? does it look like it? third floor rear. catch you later, hopalong. we're jerking off here. i like to see you earn your money. i ain't got no time to nursmaid a rookie. i don't need a partner. we got a bigger problem. these comachos aren't gonna take this lying down. the animals are out of the cages. yeah. that's my job. i'm going to have to fix that. you know, it's kind of interesting. that 16 year old in the hallway with the gun? partida told me he doesn't have a record. the kid's never been arrested. real sweetheart. later, odell. it's been a rough one. bow to your master. hey, odell. here, make yourself crazy. thanks, pal. pissed cause he lost a shoe. luis comacho is in town. want somthin' to drink? i hate smart ass kids. i've been told that more than once. somebody knew what they were doin'. they blew the top off an anthill. what was the cubs final score? maybe i don't like machines. just what the world needs, another gun without a brain. i got better things to do than play with toys. drop it. stay off my streets, asshole. or i'll bite your head off, and shit in your neck. i was motivated. he's a punk. punk thief. booster. he had a brother-in-law. they were tight. served time together. ganelli, gagleone. he's just makin' up for the time he spent in the joint. relax kid. just watch, kid. learn. hold here a second. keep with gamiani. wanna play ball? some people say i've got a pretty good inside curve. i'm eddie. you've had a lot of experience with cops? you'll get slivers. i thought you knew all about cops. you don't put anything up your nose do you? diana luna? you're tony luna's daughter? for when you need a friend. but do you have all the friends you need? this is sergeant cusack. i want a team to cover a house on the southwest side. l-u-n-a, anthony. yeah. crazy tony luna. i don't think he's around, but if he shows up bring him in. catch you later. how ya doing, richie? how you gonna watch the game if you're hawking sandwiches? this about the hearing? i pass. he's burnt, brennan, and you know it. he was a good cop, but he ain't now. we're all scared, brennan. cragie should have been off the street a long time ago. he's gonna hurt somebody else with his bullshit. maybe even you. he'll get the word. stay by the radio. we talking about a bribe, scalese? thanks. i'm looking for your nephew. wrong. tony just made himself my business. he shit on my turf, old man. and i'm going to nail him and anybody else tied to him. you understand, felix? it's not a threat. it's a prediction. there's a shitstorm coming. you better get yourself a good umbrella. let's go. was there a girl? late teens. reddish hair. pompas, you're getting to be a fucking pain in the ass. let her go, pooch. you don't have the balls. downtown first. then i'm gonna place you in protective custody. you'll be safe -- fred pirelli, this is diana. diana luna. can you put her up till i find her old man? am i putting you on the spot? i'll be right across the hall. i'm just gonna clean up. not now, donato. tell the truth. and the chance to do it again. next time he might take away a cop. that make any difference? your partner's selling you out, kosalas. he kills an unarmed kid, and now he's risking your ass to save his own. it cost an innocent kid his life. tell 'em like it is, nick. i'll back you up. hello, cragie. you know why. you were a good cop for a lot of years. you've passed your limit now cragie. right about here. giving liquor to a minor, pirelli? i'll be back right after the hearing tomorrow, and you can get some sleep then. you find someone. what's the score? you heard it all. what do you think? the kid may surprise you. i can't comment on that. it was over before i got there. cragie's in my unit, yes. i did. no, i didn't. yes. maybe 30 years is too long for anyone to look at the city's guts, mr. partida. it was denied. i don't agree with what it says. that's what i'm saying. i just dialed 348-6610, and i get this funny buzz. check the line for me? thanks. yeah. squad, this is 1462. i need a backup. have 64 and 63 from tac 4 meet me at the billiard parlor on 18th near halsted. questioning suspects. i want your opinion i'll beat it out of you. where is luis? talk to me, degas, or i'll hit you with so many lefts you're gonna beg for a right. you're ok, hopalong. they got diana luna. you tell luis i got tony luna for him. get me a time and place. here we go partner.