doc and spider enter. they're patted down. the room is small and bare. a selling den. victor comacho and two cousins, all young and vicious, are sitting around a formica table with the two buyers, doc and spider. the comachos are heavily armed. there is plenty of tension all around, but doc seems a little more nervous than the rest. doc and spider are blown backwards in their chairs. one of the cousins has fallen across the piles of money and drugs. victor and the other cousin are slumped on the floor. the woman in the bedroom is screaming. the woman is huddled in a corner, still screaming. tony comes to stand over her, and coldly shoots her. then he rips off his mask and goggles as his boys clear the bodies and scoop up the drugs and money from the table. tony and his partners start back over the gangway to the other building. vito is bringing up the rear. eddie jumps into the living room doorway, gun drawn, and takes in the carnage. he kicks the gun out of victor's hand, and bounds to the shattered bay window and looks down in time to see -- the bridge to the other building is gone, but there is a large drainpipe running down the outside of the building. eddie climbs out on the shattered window sill, and stretches for the pipe. the pipe is just out of reach. pushing off from the ledge, he jumps for the drainpipe, grabbing it on his way down.