the car halts in the vast empty chamber. it is quickly surrounded by members of the comacho family. they begin to unload the car. the trunk is filled with cases of heavy ammunition. diana, now hanging from her wrists like a slab of beef, is guarded by a couple of luis' boys, eyeing her hungrily. the comachos are ready and waiting. luis walks through the middle of the vast empty plant toward the front, checking on his troops one last time. the sound of machinegun fire from outside galvanizes the comachos. luis runs through the long building toward the front with half a dozen of his men, all shouting. luis runs through the empty plant toward the office screaming to diana's guards. diana, tied to the chair, is momentarily alone as the guards rush out to the floor of the factory to see what's happening. the "prowler" rolls around the corner, its brutal turret bristling with firepower. it is driving luis and the other stupefied comachos further back into the building. across the littered battlefield, eddie escorts diana toward the light streaming through the factory entrance. he takes off his jacket and wraps it around diana's shoulders.