did you? but you saw the action? and the kid was armed? and you saw the weapon? ms. partida -- shut-up, cragie. partida has demanded a formal hearing. you will be under oath so the department will provide you with a lawyer unless you've got your own. an ops review board member is waiting to talk to you. doesn't sound like you got anything to worry about. kosalas, you work with cusack until this is over. your right! you don't need a partner! you need a goddamn keeper! jesus christ! how do i explain this one upstairs? we gave you 600 man-hours, you took a month planning the damn thing, and what have you got to show for it? nine bodies? a dead informant? one of my best men shot! for christ's sake! you're going to have me back on a beat busting perverts in the park. just what i need. a goddman war. keep track of this business with cragie? i'll deal with upstairs. just get me some answers, huh. he's talking about you, cusack. pay attention. you're all gonna have to be qualified on this. it's the future. you're looking at the perfect cop. the damn thing follows orders. what the hell is goin on? ok, everybody. no more games. where's cusack. get someone in the air. we're gonna find cusack. that's cusack. hey, cusack! i'm glad you don't follow orders.