ready sir. left field in position. what's the matter with you? i can't go wading in with my shlong flapping in the wind. i knew it. cragie?! yeah, that's how it went down. look. it was a fuckin' accident. why can't you just be -- i was on another doorway. i saw him fall. that's the way it went down. yes sir. i saw it in his hand. yes sir. yeah, well, you know, if you read the papers, cops only shoot honor students. sole support of the family and all that. nice fellow this luis comacho. donato says they call him the angel-of-death. gamiani. you figure he's connected? this ganiani's a swinger, huh? now what? they selling protection to the bears? what's this? kinda young for that old fart ain't she? bang a few for me. they're wastin' the show. tony's not even in town. i can back you up. oh jesus. it's starting. music's at the scene. say, eddie. why don' you come by and tip a few? cause i gotta talk to you. yeah, i know. but we gotta talk. please. yeah, at mike's. beer? looks like i'm caught between the rock and the hard place, sarge. you know i really wanted to be a good cop, but. shit. it's hard enough sometimes just to stay alive. comes so easy to you. you got all the fuckin' answers. me, i'm still tryin' to find the questions. cragie planted the gun on the kid. just wasted him, and then i. i don't know what to do about the hearing tomorrow. see. it's all so nothin' for you. if i talk straight every cop on the force will shit on me. if i don't. cragie gets away with murder. he's my partner. it was a mistake. i know that! i know that! jesus. i see that kid's face every time i close my eyes. i immediately advanced down the hall. the deceased, vega, lying on the floor. officer cragie was checking his vital signs. we recovered a .25 calibre automatic from the teenager's right hand. yes, sir. i can't swallow this shit! eddie cusack's out there takin' on the world by himself. and you fuckin' heros are gonna sit on your goddamn asses! don't you fuckin' tell me to cool it. i won't cool it. i'm not going to fuckin' lie for you any more. i lied, commander. he laid a gun on that kid. i saw the whole thing. what's this for partner? your next fuck up?