copy shortstop. double play. we're with him now.
yeah, we got the on him. he's headin for the alley.
what the hell is this cat up to?
at this hour.
their right field's clear. those painters are out of the way.
we got a painting crew of painters just went in the building next door.
you know that, efren. when your big bad brother luis gets the word, your ass is freeze dried and fried.
the funeral director says they plan on cruisin right past luna's house.
tony luna's bagman.
they call that a columbian necktie.
they found the manager of tony's restaurant hanging from a hook in his kitchen. looked like someone tried to carve a canoe out of him. tony's used car lot on ashland is burning as we speak. the head salesman is a fried zuccini.
two male caucasians, two female. one mid-to-late forties. the other a grandmother.
you oughta crash, man. you had a helluva day.
he's a fucking one man army now.