cusack. you were in charge here? and you were a principal in one of the shootings? where's the officer who was involved in the other shooting? you have the right to remain silent. you have the right to have an attorney present at all times. anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. officer cragie has already been sworn. officer cragie, you have heard mrs. murillio's testimony -- you have heard her tell this panel that she saw you lay the gun in her grandson's hand. if it was dark, officer, how were you sure vega had a gun? and right after you heard officer cragie's gun discharge, what did you do then? and what did you see? what happened then? did you see that weapon in vega's hand before officer cragie fired? no more questions. i'd like to now call sergeant cusack. you are his superior officer, are you not? did you give the men their various assignments? did you request that officer cragie be on your tac team? sergeant. i have here a department document dated 24 september, of last year. it is a request by you, to your superiors, to have officer cragie transferred to another unit. are you familiar with this document? why did you request his transfer? what happened to this request? this is a letter of support for officer cragie. everyone in his unit signed it but you. why? are you saying you do not believe officer cragie is fit to work the streets of chicago?