you look like shit. they had a shot on the tube of you guys comin' out in front of the building. how's donato? he'll collect himself some scalps before this one's over. your answering machine is on the fritz again. some woman with a fantastic voice was callin' about comin' over this weekend ta help you with somthin', and then the tape went nuts. does the pope shit in the woods? is a bear catholic? gonna get down in the 30's tonight. your pilot light is out. so, who you figure pulled out the rug? gypsies? mob? i'd figure the mob but scalese ain't that stupid. hah! sombody put the valve in backwards. there. heat. 8 to 1. machines just don't like you. keep your goddamn pants on! this your idea of a social call? c'mon, kid. let's get you off your feet. does a bear? i spent 30 years on the spot. what ever you need. she's havin' a bad night. gave her a shot of brandy. maybe she'll sleep. that good looking gorilla next to me is eddie's father. better than good cop. killed in the line of duty.