for five dollars i wouldn't give a parched man a dipper of this riverwater. this look like a ferry? my daddy's dead, or gone off to the federals, don't matter which. i'm the way across now. nothing but the mighty cape fear river, is all. nobody crosses this water unless they're running from someplace. some cross one way, some the other: makes no difference, they're all running. you want to wait for your friends? let's go. i'm saving for a cowhide, and when i get it i aim to get a saddle made, and when i get me a saddle i'll save for a horse, and when i got a horse i'll throw on the saddle, and then you won't see my sorry ass round this swamp again. catfish. 'gator. keep your hand in the boat. already looks like some critter chewed his neck. thirty more dollars, we can go to the cabin. i'll pull this dress over my head.