my old bull, wandered off and died in this here creek. fouled up our water is how i found it. reckon i need a train of mules. where you two sports heading? charitable of you to make a stop. ain't for me to be curious. there'll be a tang, i'd imagine. there's my place. hope you can stomach a yard chock-full of females. brought my woman home, she showed up with her three so-called sisters and their brats. the noise in that place is something awful. it's why i go hunting. it is on a bit of a tilt. them females. they all roll down one end each night! -- in the clover what's up? and he's a preacher? like a christian? good god. these two boys is stopping for supper. they're on the road to atonement. so what is it when it's at home? take them all and leave the saw. be a sight more use. they love to scrub a man. put the water on the boil. it's my liquor, gets their titties swinging. he's gone now. look! his eyes have gone. i'm leaving soon as i'm full. got a bunch of traps needs visiting. i'll be back tomorrow, before dark. you'll still be here? my house is your house. you go tend to him. i'll be seeing you. you little bitch! look at you! cover yourself up!