mind that billy, he's the jealous kind. pay no attention to me. what happened to your head? and your neck? you're the color of a cadaver. i'll fix you. i can fix you up. debts, fighting -- them words don't mean much round here. for the record, i'm a female of the species. not long enough. what they going to do? cut short my young life? sit down before you fall down. what year are we? '63? i'd say twenty six years. i could move on anytime. i've seen most of the world anyway, richmond in the north, south almost to charleston. you're going somewhere or you are somewhere, what's the difference? i've learned a person can survive off pretty much of a goat. i can't abide a chicken, but a goat gives you company and milk and cheese and then, when you need it, good meat. so you've been fighting? he gave it a try, to look at you. see i think there's a plan. there's a design. for each and every one of us. you look at nature, a bird flies somewhere, picks up a seed, shits the seed out, a plant grows. bird's got a job, seed's got a job. take one of these now with your food. swallow it. if you die i'll give you your money back. our minds aren't made to hold on to the particulars of pain, the way we do bliss. what is? what's her name? and is she waiting for you? now drink this. it visits the pain. and you'll sleep. i hope you found it. that's the laudanum getting to you. that's good. say something more. raise that up for me. that's medicine and goatmeat. you're sick of both. and that's just for show, or -- if you can get close enough -- a wild turkey.