esco, our friends there -- -- they helped build the chapel? there's no advantage here, but to celebrate a job well done. cheers -- -- and thank you. mr. inman. what can i do for you? you must come in. a splendid idea. i want to get sheep into this field. a big field doesn't look right without sheep. you're a lucky fellow, mr. inman, you've had this view all your life. it's a special view. i dragged my poor daughter to cold mountain from charleston because of my doctors -- they say my heart is weak -- so the air's meant to do me good. but it's the view i think heals. i have to get on my visits. can i offer you a ride back into town? did you want a quiet word? of course ada. i'll daresay dr. o'brien'll want to do a test or two. the only slaves within twenty miles labor on my farm. they're good christians and i'll vouchsafe for them. you're looking -- at this moment, i don't know why -- you're looking exactly like your mother. he listens to my heart and i get emotional. we commiserate about the folly of this terrible war. do you worry when there's no word from him? from mr. inman? hey! stop there! hey! dear god. what is wrong with us all? thank you. for your providence, oh lord, we thank you. it was delicious. i was going to say something in chapel. perhaps some of the womenfolk will volunteer. it's my fault. i should have raised you less like a companion and more like a young woman. i'm sorry. will you play me something? something peaceful while i look over my sermon.