says he ain't about to die. she don't speak. is she feeble then? this coat's warm. 'night now. it's frozen. how long it been there for? yeah. ow! it's good. i think it's good. where's georgia? thanks. you is home guard? you is teague? that bastard teague. bad words. folk always put the curse words in front of your name. okay. you do, stobes! he means -- ain't nowhere near bearpen branch! it's this side! he's always getting lost. that cave -- we live there! -- it's over on big stomp. tell you how i always find it. there's a big old locust tree fell down across the path, that points straight at it, like a finger, always a dozen squirrels round that tree. you gets to the tree, sit on it, and there's your entrance, straight in front of you, tree points at it. come right to your hand, them squirrels -- -- chrrrpppp! chrrrrppp! what'd you make of that? what? what do you mean?