i've got a rifle. there's some beans and corn pone, all i got. you better come in. i'm alone here, as you can see, with my baby. i need to believe you mean no harm. i don't want it. i had my way they'd take metal altogether out of this world. every blade, every gun. he cries. i don't know. he cries a lot. my man is dead. he took his wound at fredericksburg. never saw his boy. it's pretty much what you'll get if you knock on any door of this war. man dead, woman left. it's mean food but it's hot. i need to feed this man, if you could look away. used to have a cow, few goats. raiders took them. made me kill our own dog on the porch. that poor creature watched over me. nothing left now save a hog and couple of chickens to live off till spring. i'll have to kill that hog and make sense of the flesh and divisions which is something i never did. i'm not asking. i'm sara. my baby's ethan. you look about his size. he was another man straight up and down. i don't even have a blanket. i'll leave you the lamp. they fit? i'll say good night. will you come inside? could you do something for me? do you think you could lie here, next to me, and not need to go further? i don't want you to. get out of here, quick! federals are coming. they find you here it'll go bad on all of us. no, my baby. please no! just get. my baby's sick! cover him up! he's shaking! have some pity. i got nothing. i swear. yes! take me inside! let's all go inside! take my baby inside and then we'll do whatever you want. there's nothing! you take that hog i'm as good as dead. cover up my boy! good?