don't pull that trigger. i am a man of god. i mean i am god's minister. a slave woman, can you see that in this light? she's black as a bucket of tar. drugged her. like you would a butterfly. and i care for her, that's the heartbreak of it. she's got my bastard in her belly. what kind of pistol is that i never saw the like of it? i'm begging you. it's better you blowout my brains than return me to this place. in our house. she sleeps in our kitchen. you don't know me, friend, but the good lord punished me with want. i am all appetite. that's all i do all day is want: food, the female parts. dear god of misery. i do that the members will lynch me. consorting with a nigger, adultery, siring a bastard while serving as their preacher. we're a strict congregation we've churched men for picking up a fiddle on the sabbath. there's a back door. have pity. thank you. i was going to do a grievous wrong. you're not entitled to judge me! you're nothing but an outlier, plain as daylight! keep going. we're both in trouble. it's homeguard. made me tell them all about you. i'm not looking for revenge, by the way. for what you did to me. no, i'm a pilgrim now, like you, traveling the road, paying our dues, relying on the kindness of strangers. you recall job in the scriptures? i will give free utterance to my complaint. i will speak in the bitterness of my soul. that's our friend here. they cut off my hair. which was hard. i was vain about my hair. i had good curls. but i deserved it. i'm the reverend veasey. have i seen you in church? what's that? have we got thirty dollars? you okay? i figure that righteous, given our history. otherwise i'd bear a grudge on our journey. used to be as regular as morning prayers. matter of fact i could set my watch by my bowels. that beeswax you fed me, day before yesterday, it stops a man up. open my gut now they'd find turds stacked up like little black twigs. hey! look at this! this is a good saw. you'll find the good lord very flexible on the subject of property. we could do a lot with this saw. why you in such a hurry the whole time? hurry or slow the destination is always the same. it's only the journey that is different. that's either in the good book or i made it up. good day to you! this is a tricky one. the name for the bull's member is a tassel. i learned that and never forgot it. i'm getting an idea. my saw is the remedy. let's saw up some wood and make levers. lever him out. this'll work! how do you work this damn thing? looks a bit crooked. -- roll me over! one good fart -- that'll tip over! oh god of my god! hallelujah! hallelujah! the israelites! the tribes of israel are about to flee from the banks of egypt! hallelujah! atonement is not a place. those are fine examples of the female. god damn! i was right about sheep droppings those stools -- like rock hard. quite astonishing. he's a hero. took that wound at petersburg. wait up a few minutes, i'll be in that tub, then we'll see who's a shy one. dolly? dolly, lila, shyla and mae. that's a poem. that's a poem. dolly, lila, shyla and mae da-da da-da da-da dae. . there's a poem there. really. goodbye. that's my fervent prayer. say again? that's job. don't say much but even liquored up there's a preacher in him. i'm heading for that smokehouse and i'm ready to be washed clean of my dirt. i had a special prayer you'd come visit. am i so altered that they don't see me? i christened that child. that's rebecca. that's rebecca. rebecca! is it well with you? i've been repenting for what i did. i've walked the road of atonement. god bless you. i'm with you. i got a baby coming.