no, the transcriptions need to be * done by seven a.m. period. okay? * downtown. 312 north spring street. take sepulveda to slauson to la brea. la brea north to 6th into downtown. so you'll be up late. i'm pulling an * all-nighter, too. save the tears. what? 110 turns into a parking lot around 110 north of the 10 you get people * going to pasadena and they drive slow. * are we taking bets? what if you're wrong? you got yourself a deal. go ahead, say it. go ahead. you weren't "lucky with the lights." what you were was right. i was * wrong. . max. you mind turning this up? i used to play this piece in high school. viola. i never had the lungs for wind instruments. different instrument. you know, if you'd only listened to me, we'd be all bogged down in traffic right now, and you would have made an extra five bucks. a gentleman. i thought chivalry was a necessary casualty of gender politics. how many cabbies get you into an argument to save you money? you take pride in. being the best at * what you do? what else? like tell me? you psychic? bottega. not quite. he worked defense. i'm a prosecutor. yeah. you got us here fast. yeah. no, i do. like i can't wait. . i * love standing up in that courtroom. * at the same time. i always get this clenched-up thing the night before the * first day. i think i'm gonna lose. i think i * suck. i think my case sucks. i * haven't prepared enough. my exhibits * aren't in order. people are gonna * figure out that i don't know what i'm * doin'. and i've had this charade * going for years. i represent the * department of justice of the united * states government and my opening * statement is gonna fall flat at the * really important point and the jury's * gonna laugh at me. * then i cry. i don't throw-up. a * lot of people throw-up. i have a * strong stomach. * * then i get it together. and rewrite * my opening statement. work the * exhibits. for the rest of the night. * that's my routine. in the morning, it starts. i'm fine. * i just had. a vacation. on the harbor freeway. when was the last time you took a break? how often? no, i couldn't take that. i couldn't. wow. thanks for everything, max. in case you ever. i don't know. wanna start an investigation of a fortune 500 company or argue cab routes or something. annie farrell. max. max? . kind of a strange time to be calling. he's. what? where are you? * is this a joke? 'cause it is not funny. did you say felix? as in reyes- torrena? how do you know about my case? i don't understand. okay, okay, max, i believe you. i'll get out of the building. sixteen, law library and files. * max, are you sure? hello? max? what did you say? there's a man in the building! he's trying to kill me. i'm. hello? senses. stops. turns. and she sees the shape - twenty feet * away - of vincent. the para-ordnance .45 coming up. the .45 * cal barrel like a tunnel into nothingness. * max? where's the next station?