hey, yo, dude, here's a seat, man! i was hoping for someone i could communicate with. only room's at the back near the bano, and i'd advise against it, unless you like poop. philip armstrong. assiniboia, sasketchewan, canada. deerborn heavy equipment. hey, howya doing? i love germany. i love america. never been to austria. where from in america would that be? i don't like new york city. buildings're too big. what kinda work you in? can't drink caffeine. makes my stomach do the rumba. i like that commercial guy with the sombrero and the mule, though. headed upstream, eh? where to? you've never been to caguan, eh? 'cause no one in their right mind would ever go back. caguan's in the guerrilla zone run by the e.l.c. e.l.c. as in 'extra loathsome communists.' they don't care, and they kill. i'm going there myself. but i have a 'get outta jail free' card. e.l.c. travel pass. i can go anywhere i want. everyone needs equipment fixed. if you don't have one of these, you don't want to be up there, gordy. got kids, eh? that little kid and i had a nice, long snooze. we're almost to mompos. beautiful country. y'know, i haven't noticed one darn body floating downstream this whole trip, have you? pass is only good for one person, if that's your idea, which i think it is. besides, i can't risk traveling around up there in the company of a big gringo with a dumb-ass cover story about coffee beans. i've worked too hard for it. and you don't have that kind of money on you. it's all cash and carry down here, gordy. mompos. you want to have some fun, we'll hook up later. i always schedule a stopover. to sample the local wares and such. life can be what you make it here on the frontier. gotta get off the boat anyway. mompos is the last stop. from here into the guerrilla zone you can only travel by panga. if you change your mind, i'll be at the tropicale later. it's a gringo bar. just follow the cockroaches. sicarios. death squads. avoid those dudes at all costs. federales are looking for someone. i never met a nose i couldn't hang a spoon on. yahtzee! police catch you trying to steal my hat, you asshole?! fucking hat thief! get outta here -- that stun gun wasn't cool. haven't peed my pants in a real long time. yeah, well, i guess all these assholes down here are just starting on my nerves. so what the hell did you do to land us in here? and don't jerk me around, eh? oh, you're that guy, eh? i'm sorry, man. and what, you came down here to even things out? did you even have a plan? if you can't kill them, don't even talk to them. you're not running through the fire, eh? no. i told you. the pass is only good for one person. and you're too dangerous to travel with. it hasn't been there since we landed. aw, hell. i was through with this place anyway. i'll call ahead and tell felix i'm not coming, and you're my replacement. he'll meet you in caguan and take you to the plantation. what do you know about diesel engines? you'll have to be austrian, eh? they hate americans. name's gotta change, too, in case they're watching the news. it'll buy you a little time to look around caguan. but you'll never find the wolf. huh? luck got you this far. but up there, luck doesn't make it. i hope you know you're gonna die.