mike brandt. we'll have this discussion somewhere else more secure, after i get your clearance. mr. pitt. i'm very sorry for your loss. i lost people, too. don't worry, mr. pitt, we're gonna get the son-of-a-bitch. we believe the wolf's in hiding in an area of colombia controlled by the e.l.c., extreme marxist guerrillas. he thinks he's in a safe haven. here's my card. call me any time. senator, the failure of one operation shouldn't cause your committee to question financing everything else we're doing down there. i know it looks bad, and i appreciate your support. together we'll get it done. yeah. 'bye. without his father's money, that asshole'd be keeping bees for a living. what? no. i don't need it. find your fucking leak? all due respect, noel, it's not likely. and we don't need the whole world looking into what we're doing down here. we find the son-of-a-bitch again, we're bypassing protocols. jesus christ. what, he thinks he can get the wolf himself? throw out the net. have him picked up. just make sure no one kills him. enjoy your trip? we asked you to leave it to us. it's not over yet. the guys next door are in the wolf's elite bodyguard unit. where he goes, they go. we're gonna ask questions. and we're gonna get answers. and you're staying right here till our bomber's dead. i don't fucking believe it. that lucky son-of-a-bitch found the wolf. an e.l.c. compound. they're not just hiding the wolf. it's well-sited. can't surprise 'em, so you gotta outgun 'em. so that's what we're gonna do. we're not just gonna hit it, we're gonna wipe if off the globe. cats, rats, dogs and mice. if it's moving, it's dead. i don't care what the puerto ricans say. which part of the word 'war' don't you understand? our mission down here isn't just about catching the wolf. he was told not to be here. the first choppers'll hit it at 2200. what? got any good news? only good thing down here. put everyone on red till tomorrow night. and then, i don't care if there's a typhoon, i want those fucking rotors turning. it's time to make the wolf howl. they couldn't have made it this far. go back upstream. f.b.i.'s on the radio. tell 'em everything you know. on the plane. they'll get it. but she's in my custody till we're done with her. inter-agency headquarters for our efforts in latin america. union station. what's he waiting for? in here. he always hid his face. why's he giving us a clear picture now? escort her. everybody out! clear this floor! now! we got the bitch.